I am dyeing an 80's drop-waist poofy short dress with a bow on the hip...I'm dyeing it royal blue. And when I say "dyeing" it, I mean that as I type this it is sitting in my sink soaking to get the remaining dye out of it. It was cream, now it is blue. Mission accomplished. Now I just hope it was ok to get the dress wet and that it will dry ok. And not turn the child who wears it blue...
I have some essential beliefs about dying clothes...rules, so to speak:
1) dyeing is better done in a washing machine but if you have a front-loader, you have to do it in your sink. The last time I dyed something, it was something I needed to make red, it looked like a murder had taken place in my laundry room...there was red everywhere. The blue was contained to the sink this time.
2) you have to believe that what you dye is going to look better dyed the color you are making it...this time, I was right...sometimes---not so much...
3) don't wear anything you don't mind getting dye on...my shirt is essentially tye-dyed now...
4) don't drink while dyeing...do I really need to explain this one? I have broken that rule...well, I didn't pour the wine until AFTER I got the dye bath out of the sink so I guess I just partially broke that rule...(you probably also shouldn't blog while drinking wine but...)
5) you have to be willing to say "what the hell" and just do it...
So now the 80's party dress that was cream is now blue...you can tell I lead an exciting life if the best thing I have to blog about is dyeing something blue...
now on to more interesting things...and if you need a course on how to dye something, email me...
I believe that "Glee" is the most fantastic and wonderfully (and beautifully) written show on television...the cast is top notch and the music...well, if you can't tell how much I love music, then you aren't really reading my blogs...
The music is...sublime...superb...amazing...awesome...incredible...unbelieveable..
ok, now I need a thesaurus...
In any case, the storytelling and the acting would be enough to love the show even if they never sang one song...but they do...and they are incredible performances. I find it amazing that the same guy who thought up the plastic surgery/sexy show "Nip/Tuck" could come up with something as beautiful as "Glee". If you ever saw "Nip/Tuck", you know what I mean...this is a 180 degree turnaround in type of show. If I had known that Ryan Murphy (creator of "Nip/Tuck")had dreamed up "Glee", I might not have given it a chance...that being said, I enjoyed "Nip/Tuck"...sometimes...
So last night I settled in to watch the season finale of "Glee". I was a bit bummed because I will now have to wait until like October to see a new show, but I have almost all of this season's show still on the DVR to enjoy when I am lonely for Rachel, Puck, Finn, Mercedes, Sue, Will, Quinn and precious Kurt.
I poured myself a delicious glass of wine before settling in. I have a wine god, let's call him Bacchus (because he is Italian). He's a friend who I turn to when I want a good suggestion of something yummy to buy...he loves wine and he loves talking about wine. He is a history teacher so I guess the teaching thing doesn't stop. In any case, he's a great guy, a good source for vino info, and a fantastic teacher. The kids love him---I'm so excited that The Cutest Boy in the World will have him next year and he is a great follow-up to Mr. Adorable and Precious who was an amazing teacher this year...along with being Adorable and Precious. So Bacchus tells me to buy Papa Luna at Costco so I do...fantastico! I open it because I decide I need a good wine to enjoy with my favorite show...
So I cry through the show and drink 2 glasses of wine...and I make sure all the Glee music is loaded on my iPhone to enjoy today and always...and I am glad I saved the calories for the 2 glasses of wine...
Today I did my usual sentence on the Precor to loosen up all of my aching sore muscles from the workout with Fitness Godess and the classes with Spinderella. I thought about taking the day off, laying by the pool and enjoying my book but even the touch of headache I get the day after having even a little red wine (but I won't give it up)wasn't a good enough excuse to skip the workout...so I went and let the Glee kids get me through.
I get on that machine and imagine all the great clothes I am going to wear when I get myself into shape and lose the weight. I think of all of the cute clothes that I managed to save from my last skinny phase of life and think about how I will probably not wear any of them but rather get a whole new wardrobe. I mean, do I really ever NEED to wear a cheetah print mini skirt again? (although I have a bet with a friend that I will wear it underneath a trench and come up to school and show her I got into it). I do look forward to the shopping...
After working out, I met up with the kids at theater camp and had a great time watching God of the Theater (GOTT) block the first number for Seussical and applauded Theater Tech God (TTG) when he rolled out a "truffula tree" with a nest on it for Horton the Elephant to sit on...you have to see it to believe it.
I found a dress for "Gertrude the bird with the one-feather tail" to wear but decided to dye it blue since I hated the cream color. Hence the dyeing...
So now that I have given you a pretty boring run-down of my day, I'm sure you are sitting there thinking "where is the lesson? where is the funny?"...
I guess what I have to offer today is that you need to believe...you have to believe in the change, or maybe just believe...the change of a dress (by dyeing it), the change that a show creator (or any artist) can make when offering something different, you have to believe in your friend's advice (if you ask for it like I do with Bacchus) and you have to let that advice change your choices (so I don't keep buying Red Truck red wine...but I like Red Truck too, just like the Papa Luna better), and you have to believe that YOU can change---whether it is losing some weight, breaking a habit, trying to get healthy, or learning something new...and I have to believe that every time I get on that machine I am doing something good for myself...along with pouring that glass of red wine (for my heart, ya know?)...
So don't stop believin'
And go to iTunes (I know I sound like a commercial for them) and download the Glee cast version of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" (the Road to Regionals version). They put a new spin on an old classic and it is gor-ge-ous and will put a spring in your step. You will totally want to sing along and can't we just picture ourselves sitting with our best friends, wearing some ab-fab 80's clothes while we sing along...
And while you are there, perusing the Glee music, just download it all (or if you live here I will burn it for you). "To Sir with love" makes me cry (because it makes me think of my friends GOTT and TTG and Bacchus and Mr. Adorable and Precious and how they have impacted their student's lives...teachers are INCREDIBLE people..."One" and "I dreamed a dream" also make me cry)...there is so much more but that is for later blogs...
Tomorrow I will honor my mother in my blog...it would be her 66th birthday...and later I will tell you all about my "Crush"---and no it is not GOTT, TTG, Bacchus, or Mr. Adorable and Precious...but they are all pretty crush-worthy men...yes, they are!!!!! I luv luv luv them...
Don't stop believin'
bye darlings...
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