"You can do it...Nothing to it!"
Fabulous words of advice...
Given to me by the Amazing Katherine during our spin class with Spinderella today.
I was pushing hard to get through the heavy tension I had on my bike and the Amazing Katherine looks at me and says:
"you can do it! Nothing to it!"
I think I need to embroider that onto a pillow...in shiny gold fibers!
The Amazing Katherine is my favorite and best cheerleader...very soon I am going to dedicate an entire blog to her and her family's foundation that benefits people with intellectual disabilities...The Amazing Katherine is just that...AMAZING!
And of course my other amazing person...Dimples...today he got me to a new level...we burned through over 400 calories (trust me, that is big...wear a heart monitor and you will understand how hard you have to work for a 400 calorie burn)!
So between spin and my workout with Dimples I could pretty much eat a pint of Blue Bell...or fried chicken...
but I don't want to...
I'm even shunning wine (during the week...weekends are fair game)to keep the weight loss shred going. Despite my litte flirtation with ruining my diet on Saturday I am below where I was that morning...yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dimples is like the Amazing Katherine...he is always telling me I can do it...even when I think there is no way I possibly can.
Like today...when he set the 20 lb. handweights (they are big suckers) on the ground and had me do pushups while holding the handles...
I said "no way"
he said "yes, you can"
and I did...
and then he had me do the same thing but do a leg thrust out and in and stand up in between each push up...
again I said "no way"
and he said "yes, you can!"
and I did...
and then he had me get into the pushup position, balance myself and pick up a weight (while balancing on my feet and one arm like a tripod) and pull it back for 10 reps...each side...
again I said "absolutely no way I can do that"
he said "try 5"
I did 10...each side...
and then he said "now put it all together"...yowza...
and this little voice in my head said:
You can do it, Nothing to it...
So the Amazing Katherine's comment got me thinking...while I was waiting on my car to get the oil changed...that we all tend to limit ourselves.
Dimples always tells me not to ...he tells me I can do things and that it is mind over matter...and he finds ways to encourage me when I think I can't do the last 2 or 3 reps of something because he reminds me I have already done 13 or 18...
And the Amazing Katherine always tells me I can do it just when I think I can't push my legs any faster or harder on the spin bike...
it's that bit of encouragement we all need...
I've written about this before...how we can do things we think we can't. Too often we stand in our OWN way more than anything or anyone else does.
It's really about finding a way to push yourself through...or to just say "yes I can" or to rearrange things so that it is possible.
Today Ke$ha Barbie informed me that I am a happier and easier to deal with mother since I have been working out. She says that my attitude has improved and that...wow, this almost HURTS to write because it sorta hurt my feelings...she "likes me more" these days.
Hmmmmmmmmmm...not sure how I feel about that, really...
was I not likable before?
or is just that she is basically Beelzebub most days and like most teenage girls she thinks her mother is:
knows nothing
full of useless advice
can't do anything right
is a fashion disaster with no fashion sense
too picky
too critical
really really crazy
I know I felt that way about my mother...until I realized that not only was she the most beautiful woman in the world she was also the wisest and most wonderful.
But at 17 Ke$ha Barbie just sees me as a cook, maid, and banker...most days...
Maybe when dealing with her I need to say my affirmation:
You can do it, Nothing to it...
because she often makes me...
but I digress...as usual...
(although I think I am hearing an "amen" from the choir of moms who have teenage daughters)
Back to "what we can and can't do"...
I do have moments when I amaze myself with what I can do now...and it never fails to hit me when I run, yes RUN, up the stairs that changed my life. Because I do it now without being winded...in stillettos...
The fact that I can wear stillettos amazes me too...yet sometimes I still have to tell my feet "you can do it"...
When I run I am surprised that I can...because I thought that there was no way, no how I was going to run...but I should have listened to Dollface and kept the running to a minimum because my knee is still giving me a bit of pain...
I'm always surprised by how quickly my heartrate recovers when I am working out...the fact that my heart, once working so hard to pump blood through my fat body, can beat now to an athletic pace...well, that just really floors me.
Our bodies can do so much more than we think they can...our only limits are what we tell ourselves we can't do...and yes, sometimes things like bad joints, bulging disks, and real injuries can limit us...but they shouldn't STOP us.
So I am going to make a pledge to myself...for the next week I am NOT going to say I can't do something...I'm just going to do it when asked...
let's see how that works for me...
Inspiration Song: "You Can Do It" by the Brand New Heavies...funky little band I found a few years ago when I heard another song of theirs.
Bye Darlings...You Can Do it...Nothing to It!
I LOVE your blog! You inspire others with your determination! You are amazing! Sarah