Are you all in?
Now you are asking "all in for what?"...
My answer: for whatever you have set out to do...
Today during spin class JayVee had Lifehouse's "All In" in the mix. She dedicated the song to yours truly. I was honored. She says it was because I was "all in" for my fitness and weight loss...
I hadn't thought about it, but I guess I am...
Of course that got me pondering...
Sometimes I think about my blogs, sometimes they just flow.
This was a weekend where not much happened so I didn't really have a jumping off point for the blog until JayVee put that song on and we started rolling.
So "All In" got me thinking that I needed to see where else in my life I was or wasn't "all in".
Right now my house is NOT all in...I've got stuff piled up everywhere...things I need to go through, things I need to toss out, things I need to move somewhere else. I have pictures that need hanging and photos that need to be put back out that have been packed away. It's a wreck...clean, but a wreck. on the!
I AM all in for my costuming job...we are doing "Annie" and I cannot wait to costume up some orphans and Daddy Warbucks. As soon as I finish this blog I am watching the movie again so I can take notes...
Here's one that I am a bit stuck with---getting my teaching certification. I looked online...did I tell you this before?...and discovered that without taking any additional classes I am only qualified to teach...
yes, that would be Future Farmers of America
I don't think so...
You see, I have a degree in agriculture so that pretty much limits what I am qualified for.
I can teach kids about cows...horses...goats...
So to be "all in" for teaching I'm going to have to do some work.
I can do's the "when" I am worried about, not the "how" or "what" part.
So that goes on the "things I need to do" list too...
what else?
I'm chairing a big project at school but that is under control because Athenagal is my co-chair and since she has chaired MAKOR charity balls, this is a breeze for her...I'm good to go there...
I am about to have to adopt the wrestling coach...that will take some work...and it is it's own blog...
And then there is the whole "go on Oprah and have her give me a Vera Wang gown" bit...I'm all in for me me!
There are other things, but they aren't things I need to be "all in" for.
So what about you?
Have you considered what you have planned for yourself this year?
It's January 23...what have you done to get started on making your life, your family's life, your world better?
There is no time like now to get started...don't put it off...
I put off taking care of myself and getting fit and losing weight for so long...there was always "tomorrow"...
but "tomorrow" never came...I just kept doing what I was doing without changing. I kept on eating...and sitting on the couch...
There were things I planned to do with my mother...but I lost her before we could do some of those things.
Now that is an extreme example of why not to wait, but when I tell you that my mother was just 60 years old and very healthy when she died. I never dreamed that I would lose her so young...but I did...
and tomorrow never came...
I thought I would have all the time in the world with my dad...I knew he would be the worlds greatest grandpa...after all, I had just had a girl and my daddy LOVED girls...
but at 59 he was gone to soon...died having heart bypass surgery...he only held Ke$ha Barbie twice...
tomorrow with him never came...
Now I'm not trying to say people you love in your life are going to die (well, yes they will but that is not my point) point is that to most people 59 and 60 years old are still pretty wouldn't expect them to I never considered the possibility it could happen.
But it did...
I think we need to just DO it (here I go sounding like a Nike commercial again but it is a good slogan...) and not put it off or find excuses not to.
I wasted hours and hours of my life being lazy...accepting being fat...avoiding the gym because I was I didn't care enough about myself to take the time to go...eating fast food because it was easier than making something healthy...letting sugar make me feel better instead of feeling better because I worked out.
I do know that most people who read this blog are not overweight like I was...many of you don't need to lose a pound. Many of you are healthier and thinner than I will ever be...
but we all get stuck with our's like the crap sitting in my living room that I just need to throw out...I just walk by it instead of dealing with it.
So tomorrow I am going to deal with something...maybe it is just one box, one bag, or hanging a picture or two, but I have to start.
A very wise teacher once told me that I was going to have problems with Ke$ha Barbie. She is equally right and left brained. Yes, it is hard.
I was having trouble getting her to clean up her playroom. So that very wise teacher gave me a suggestion.
She told me that instead of telling her to clean the playroom I needed to make a game of it...make it something that took the task into small chunks rather than one big overwhelming project.
Now THAT makes made sense to me with that, it made sense to Ke$ha Barbie, and it makes sense now.
Just like I have taken this weight loss into small goals, I'm going to do these other things in small chunks so I can get a sense of accomplishment rather than discouragement at what is not done.
So that is my advice to you for anything you are doing (by the way, I am GREAT at giving advice I don't always follow myself...LOL)...take it in small chunks...but be all committed!
Commit to whatever you want to do with yourself...your life...your body...
make time to do it...
save the money to do it...
find the energy to do it...
prioritize yourself and your family so you WILL do it...
I'll let you know how that works for me...
Inspiration Song: "All In" by that band!!!!!! And I love JayVee, her spin class, and her support...
Bye like a all in!
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