Thursday, February 23, 2012

Good Girls Go Bad

Uh oh...

you can tell by the blog title that trouble has happened...

as if Mardi Gras was not enough...

Confession time:


Yeah, I was doing good...working my 12 step program but once again my addiction reared its ugly little head and I now find myself before you admitting that I hid like a dirty heroin addict and grabbed my drug of choice (Baked Ruffles and Jalapeno dip) and went to town.

I also got into some hummus (with pita) and some french onion dip.

I have no excuse for my behavior.

It was there.

I ate it.

After this weekend I should have had my mouth wired shut...but nooooooo...I thought willpower alone could handle the addiction but when I opened the fridge and saw the yummy goodies inside, well that willpower just went by the wayside.

So now I have consumed half...yes HALF!...a bag of Baked Ruffles and at least 1/2 cup of dip.


And I'm facing a weekend where I am not entirely in control of my food situation.

Yeah there is some irony here....last weekend's over-the-top fun in NOLA is being replaced with chaperoning the middle school children (including my son) who are performing in a one-act play Seguin...

If you are not familiar with Seguin, it is a small town in Texas. So if you are to compare it to New Orleans, let me put it this way---it is like comparing a small town high school musical to a Las Vegas show.

One is small, quaint, and you just ignore the flaws and are ready for it to be over before it is. The other is big, loud, splashy (and maybe has bare breasts) and you are ready for it to be over (sometimes) but only after you have seen all of it and had a lot of drinks.

There will not be any drinking...especially of king cake vodka...thank goodness
There will not be any ballgowns and 5 inch stiletto heels....thank goodness
There will not be any women flashing their bare breasts...thank goodness
There will not be any parades...thank goodness

And there will not be any Mardi Gras beads being thrown at my face...thank goodness.

A friend's assistant suggested to me that I should have taken her boss as my date last weekend as he could have caught beads for me (he has a height advantage and is quick on his feet) and would have fetched beers for me (as he is a gentleman...and would likely have prevented the king cake vodka fiasco).

Hmmmm...that would have been a good plan...and he's very good looking and super sweet. I wish I had thought of that BEFORE I headed to NOLA and ran amok there.

Maybe next time...

if there is a next time...

Mardi Gras in NOLA is sort of a bucket list thing...and I have definitely "checked" it off...

Today when my contractor stopped by (I've had a little work done on the house) he wanted to hear all about my adventures in the Crescent City. He checked out my "battle scar" over my eye where the beads hit me. He checked out the beads I brought back.

He's been to NOLA for Mardi Gras before...

He also suggested that I would have been better off taking a date with me to grab beads and keep me out of trouble.

Now why weren't all these helpful suggestions suggested to me BEFORE I headed to Mardi Gras?

I had fun anyway but I do think I need a designated bead catcher/beer fetcher if I do it again. A date might have prevented this Good Girl from going bad...

Of course that wouldn't prevent the chip-n-dip indulgences...

And to top things off as we travel to Seguin we will be stopping at Buc-ees.

Per my request.

Not familiar with the awesomeness that is Buc-ees?

Buc-ees is ONLY the best gas station/food stop/rest stop in the world. I feel sorry for you if you are on a road trip and don't have a Bucky's to stop at.

They have the cleanest restrooms in the world.

And they have the biggest minimart full of crap to eat you ever saw.

They have jerky...
They have homemade fudge...
They have fresh kolaches...
They have fresh sandwiches and bar-b-que...
They have cookies...
They have parfaits...

They also have shopping...

in short, Buc-ees is the bomb...and yes, this good girl will go very bad there...I never leave empty fact my hands are usually holding turkey jerky, sweet-n-hot jerky, and some fudge...

So now I will sign off...because I am definitely going off the deep end into badness and I am going to open up some wine and partake of it.

I have been de-toxing for 4 days...and I plan to get up at 5:00 am and hit the gym and spin for a while and then do body pump if I get the costumes packed in time.

And if I am going to fill my body with fat I need some alcohol to help it melt least that is what I tell myself.

Tonights pick will NOT be vodka but rather Syrah...I may be going bad but it will be just a "little" bad...

after all red wine is good for you, right?

Again that is what I tell myself...and myself believes it...

Inspiration Song: "Good Girls Go Bad" by Cobra Starship...awesome and fun little song...

Bye Darlings...don't worry about your good girl here...I won't go all the way bad...just dance around a bit with misbehaving...and I will re-enter the chip-n-dip-aholics anonymous day at a time...

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