Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cold as Ice

Actually, it was colder than ice.

I live in Texas for the HEAT.

Cold is not my temperature.

I like it hot...I love summer...I don't mind sweating...

100 degrees outside = love it

On Monday I was sweating through my workout.

This morning...notsomuch.

I have determined that Dimples is the most dedicated and sweet trainer that a girl could ever have...because he braved the cold for "Mama Bootcamp" this morning and basically became a human popsicle all in the name of getting me and my friends into better shape.

We work out in a park. A park we love.


He got to the park a few minutes before me. Then he sent me a picture of some of the ice patches on the ground. It was a balmy 27 degrees.

Now I know those of you who live in colder climates are laughing that I am complaining about 27 degrees, but remember that you would probably melt in my August heat here in Texas.

It's all relative...

And relatively speaking, I'll take the heat over the cold.

We piled out of our cars with our piled-on clothes and set about to try and get hot...or at least warmed up.

I had on a tank, an Under Armor cold-gear long-sleeved top, and another Under Armor long-sleeved t-shirt...and a fleece jacket. A pair of gloves and glove liners. Pants.

Ah, the pants...

the pants that no longer fit...too big (yay!) and kept annoyingly falling down so I had to remove my gloves to hike them back up. I'm giving them away...

My friend Jantastic ('cause she's fantastic)only had a pair of riding gloves so I gave her my fleece ones.

I call that love...mostly cause I just love her but also cause she is a sorority sister so Pi Phi love always wins out...

Dimples had 2 bootcamps this at 8 and one at 9.

I did both of them.


(yes that was a few blogs ago...)

I loved it until my knee decided that it demanded to be heard.

So my knee wanted me to tell Dimples that it woke me up in the middle of the night last night throbbing and that it was giving me some grief this morning. I was going to blame the cold but at this point it was being pretty insistant that I tell him the full extent of what it was feeling/doing and he put a halt to some of my work.

I promised him I would always tell him the truth about pain so I was holding to that promise. Up until today I had some pain but not to the extent that I felt the need to call my orthopedic doctor.

Suffice it to say that tomorrow I am seeing the doctor at 4 unless it snows here and fouls everything up.

I'll let you know...

I once heard it said that "we get one icicle in this city and it all shuts down"...well, we're gonna get an icicle tomorrow and the city will shut down.

Dimples and I have found an alternative place for our workout.


But as soon as we can get back to the park...well, I am so so so there!

I've never liked the cold. You've read my ski stories and having grown up in Kingsville where I remember snow exactly ONE time, cold weather is a bother but not the norm. So I hate it...

Today to warm myself up I played a lot of "sunny and warm" music:
"Island in the Sun" by Weezer
"Island Girl" by Elton John
"Soak up the Sun" by Sheryl Crow

Right now I wish I was on Poipu Beach in Kauai...or on St. Thomas...

But it will warm back up in a week or so and the snow and icicles will be forgotten.

And for all my friends who live with the snow and ice all winter long...I'm thinking about you and hoping you are staying warm and cozy.

Because today, I was cold as ice...

at least I got to light the fire in my fireplace...

Inspiration Song: "Cold as Ice" by Foreigner...great song...great band...

Bye Darlings...stay warm!

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