Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm A Believer

So another Sunday and another day of church at the Bridge Fellowship.

Pastors Kenny and Scott are in Israel (how cool is that...I so want to go there one friend Sistah went and she loved it) so we had a guest speaker.

He talked to us today about what we worship...and are we willing to die for it.

He used examples of things people worship:

our children (he did not necessarily call that a bad thing)
The Bachelor (reality tv shows)

and this cracked me up but is true:
Home Depot

For the NASCAR example he showed a photo of a guy with the number "3" shaved into his back in his back hair...


ok, first off if you HAVE enough back hair to shave a number into it maybe you should think about doing more than shaving a number into it.

On my "things I won't really stand for in a man": back hair...or at least wooly gross back hair...

Sasquatch need not apply....

I groom...and I want a groomed man....

but I digress...

Ok, many of us have a tendency to worship beauty. I am guilty of that myself. I probably spend too much time and money on lotions and potions to try and make me look good.

I spend a lot of time at the gym trying to look good.

I spend a lot of time on my hair trying to make it look good.

I spend a lot of time and money at Nordstom picking out cute clothes so I look good (call my girl Anndrea in the tbd department...she will make you look quite fine!)...

And I like the way pretty things look...that is why I enjoy it when I get to admire Hot Guy at Gym (HGAG) when he comes in to chat me up while I am in the spin studio spinning by myself...I get to look at his big beautiful blue eyes and sexy smile and my heart rate goes up a few beats and I just try to keep myself from falling off the bike cause he's so darn pretty...

but I digress...

So yeah, I guess I worship beauty...but not enough to DIE for it. So no risky surgeries or crazy medical treatments to look good for me.

(That being said I'm still considering the tummy tuck and I happen to think a little poison in my forehead to prevent bad wrinkles is not toooooo unsafe)

But I will not die for beauty.

I do not worship money.

I do not.

I was born wealthy.

I won't deny that. I lived a very lavish lifestyle and was lucky to do so.

But my father and mother taught me a very important lesson about that money:


We had money.

Then Daddy lost it.

That's what happens...

Did that money make us happy?


Oh sure we got to do some crazy fun things because of it (I will not discuss those things 'cause that's like bragging and I was taught not to do that...and who the hell really cares what I did when I was young and we had money? I know I don't...)

And am I willing to die for money?

Hell to the no.

Ok, you already know my position on worshipping sports...I had to plan my first wedding around Aggie football. I can promise you that if I ever get married again, whatever the hell sporting event is scheduled on a day I would like to say "I do" will not matter...

No dying for sports.

And as for, I think I might be able to name one driver..and that is because they used him in "Cars"...the Disney movie...

Not dying for NASCAR.

Home Depot...uh, no way...

But I do get why men worship it.

It is their version of Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus.

I get it...I do...

When I go to Home Depot or Lowe's I walk in, get exactly what I came for, and leave.

Men have to go aisle by aisle checking it all out.

I'm the same way in the shoe department at Nordstrom...

Now as for dying for my children...well, I would do that.

I would

God did...I mean he sacrificed His Son for us but if you really look at the Hoy Trinity, as God is our Father and He is the Son and the Holy Spirit (He is all 3), He died for us...His children.

I always find the stuff about the Holy Trinity to be complicated so I'm just gonna stop there and I think you know what I mean...and I'm not a pastor or Biblical Scholar so I might just mess things up.

But the point is that God sacrificed for us and I would sacrifice for my children.

He (the speaker) went on further to explain, with the help of a mirror (that he purchased at his favorite place to worship other than church----Home Depot) that we should be reflecting back the light and goodness of God with our worship. And if we have a nice good mirror, that reflection is good.

But then he took a hammer and cracked the mirror and said that often, as humans, we do things to mess up that reflected image and glory (like cracking the mirror) and you can't reflect back a good reflection with a big crack in your mirror.

But then he pointed out God's grace...and that God will make that mirror whole and put back together again. And the mirror will be good again. He (the speaker) said he wasn't going to try and do that 'cause he would get glass in his fingers...but God doesn't get glass in his fingers...and if He did, He wouldn't care...

So when I look at myself and I see what I am reflecting back to others who see me (or read this blog), I hope I am reflecting back GOOD things.

Ok, so NOLA was not necessarily a GOOD thing, but we all stumble...

So maybe I need to spend a little less time in front of the mirror trying to make myself look good and pretty and more time reflecting back the good things that God has given me...

After all, if HGAG can ask me for my phone number (fresh from Body pump with smudged makeup and smelling like a goat) and chat me up while I am stinking and dripping sweat while riding a spin bike I don't think I have anywhere but "up" with him so I guess I am not an ogre to look at...

that little lesson and theory might save me some money on lotions and potions...

not that I worship money...but maybe it is better spent helping others...and my bathroom already looks like a Sephora counter anyway.

And then tonight that new show "GCB" came on and I laughed and "watched" it with Trainer Girl via little show.

It also got me thinking...about how people can change. Because the premise of the show is that a former high school "mean girl" comes back home to Dallas with her tail between her legs because her husband died while with another woman as he was escaping with stolen money. She has changed...and the girls she was mean to are now the mean girls...hiding under the guise of being good Christian woman.

I guarantee you that there were plenty of women watching that show that saw themselves in it.

It was funny and fun and Annie Potts had all the best lines...but the part that got me thinking was more about how some people pretend to be very devout and Christian but are as troubled and as messed up as everyone else.

So I sincerely hope that I do not come across that way at all...because I am very sincere when I say here on this blog that The Bridge Fellowship is changing my life. I am not asking anyone to go there with is MY journey. I do believe I was led there to learn some things about myself and I am.

GCB stands for "Good Christian Bitches"...

I want to be a Good Christian BEAUTY not a bitch...and I want that beauty to come from within...and from God...

and not from Sephora...or even my beloved Nordstrom...

Inspiration Song: "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees....cause I loved Davy Jones and the Monkees. "Peter" was the name of my imaginary friend when I was little because he was my favorite...I made my parents crazy for weeks insisting that "Peter" get served dinner and have a spot at the table and room in the car...they didn't discover "Peter" was a Monkee for quite some mother never let me live that down...I think it is rather awesome that I made them order him dinner once...

Bye Darlings...what do you worship? Are you willing to die for it? Ask yourself that next time you find yourself worshiping something other than God...I know I will be next time I pull up to the Nordstrom valet and he gives me a hug and parks my car up front because I'm his favorite shopper...

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