Merry Christmas Friends!
So yesterday I blogged about what I wanted for Christmas...
Today I want to give you my Christmas wishes for YOU...
(and it is a great way to continue to procrastinate about wrapping my gifts...why is it so hard to just sit down and wrap the gifts? Maybe because it takes so long to do it and they get unwrapped and torn up in mere seconds?)
Santa might bring me the things on my list but it's gonna take a while before the delivery is made...Ke$ha Barbie won't know about the school she most desires to get into until April, I'm not putting my house on the market until summer, and who knows when I will find a "friend" to watch movies with and cook for and spoil endlessly...
But for you, my friends and blog readers I wish for I hope you get your "gifts" as soon as possible...
1) I wish for you all to know the joy of of family, love of a special someone (romantic love), love of friends...
2) For those of you who are married I wish for you all to have very happy marriages. Just because mine failed doesn't mean that I don't believe in marriage...and I hope all of you succeed where I have not. And for those of you in committed relationships (married or not) I hope and wish for you all to have good, solid partnerships and enjoy each other...
3) I wish you all health and fitness. Let the next year bring you the best YOU ever...if weight loss is your goal, I hope and wish for you to succeed and I will be with you every step of the way if you want my support. If fitness and health are your goal I wish that for you too...and that you might find the joy of a healthy body...
4) For all of my friends who are going through the horrors of college admissions, I hope and pray your child(ren) get into the school of his/her choice and that scholarships and grants reign down upon you!!!!
5) Same goes for those who are trying to get their children into a private high school...
6) I hope and pray for those of you who have teenage daughters that you (and I) find a way to remember to love them at a time when they are the least loveable...and that we don't kill them...and they don't make us want to throw ourselves off the roof each and every day.
7)For those of you with boys who play sports (like my son), I hope and pray that your sons stay safe and that when you are watching the horror that is wrestling/lacrosse/football or whatever that you can repeat the following "he will not get hurt and I can stand here and watch and be a supportive parent"...not easy words to say when you are watching your son grapple with another boy while wearing a leotard (wrestling).
8) I hope all of you have success in your jobs and business....and if you are out of work I hope and pray that a wonderful job comes your way very very soon.
9) Many are experiencing financial hardships in this economy so it is my wish for you that are that you find a way to overcome...or that you win the lottery...
10) For those of you looking for love...a spouse...a is my wish that God sends you that perfect person...someone who will bring a smile to your face, joy in your heart, and love to last a lifetime.
11) I wish that we can all see Oprah on tv again...(ok that is silly and selfish but I can't be the only one among you that misses her...)
12) I hope all of your packages get wrapped by elves...I'm still waiting for one to appear...I hope his name is Marvin and he can tie a good bow...
13) I hope you all have children that will put their toys and gifts away once they are unwrapped...and will remember to say "thank you" to Aunt Sarabeth (or whoever) even though she gave you child the ugliest sweater known to man...and I hope they can do it with a smile on their face...
14) I hope that all of the Real Housewives would just go away and go back to their regular lives without tv cameras...I wish that for all of us so that we do not have to continue to see whining excess...although that one time that the New Jersey chick flipped the table was pretty funny...
15) I pray that none of you become a featured parent on "Toddlers and Tiaras"...really...
16) I hope and pray that each of you receives a gift from your spouse or special someone that makes you smile...if not, see #13 and I hope you can remain sweet about it until you can gleefully return it...when all else fails, and you are confronted with the ugly sweater here is what to say "Honey, it's just perfect! But you know, I"m so flattered you think I am this size...I actually need a larger size" (he/she won't know...and then go return it and tell him/her that they were out of the gorgeous sweater...and buy yourself one you like...yes, this takes a white lie but they will be so flabbergasted that you are admitting to needing a larger size it will distract them).
17) I hope and pray all of you are safe on the road for your travels this holiday season...
18) I hope and pray that for those of us who enjoy a libation (wine, whiskey, vodka, whatever) that we all know when to say "when" and do not stupidly then think we can drive home...
19) I hope and pray that your loved ones are surrounding you...and for those of you who like me have elderly grandparents or parents, I hope this is not your last holiday with them...
20) I hope and pray for all of you that when God presents you with a gift (a someone to love, a new job, a windfall) that you have the ability to discern it is from HIM and you count your blessings and accept the that nice guy in the grocery line who chats you up? Be NICE...he might be your future boyfriend...
21) And I hope and pray when that someone comes along (future love, or a new boss) that you are looking presentable so that you aren't wishing the whole time that you weren't in your workout clothes with smudged makeup and smelling vaguely like a goat...uh, yeah, that happened to me...he still asked for my number...heaven only knows why because he seems to have good eyesight...
22) I hope you all can reconnect with old friends and renew those friendships...make new friends but keep the is silver and the other gold...I should know because I have AngelAmy and Twirler Girl to prove it...and my gorgeous friend Mr. Gorgeous who I had a blast with in NYC...
23) I hope you all find things that inspire you...
24) I hope all of you can discover a love for something ART! Go to a museum...walk around until you find something that makes you stop and might surprise yourself. There is great joy in appreciating the talents of another human...
25) I hope you all learn a new skill or find a new's good to grow!
26) I hope all of your holiday cooking turns out well...and edible...
27) I hope all of your loved ones are safe and sound...especially those who have loved ones in the armed forces...
28) I hope you all read a book that inspires you...or interests you...or at least gives you an escape...I"m thinking of starting my own version of Oprah's Book Club...give me your thoughts!
29) I hope if you have a relationship that is broken that it can be fixed and healed...and if you have wronged a friend or loved one I hope you find the strength to reach out to them and ask for their forgiveness...I did that a few years ago to someone I love very much and she forgave me for turning my back on her when I promised never to do that...and she knows who she is and that I love her very much and that she will always be my sister...yes, WS that is you...I love you so very much...
30) I hope you all have a friend that you can tell EVERYTHING to...
31) I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
So there it is....a silly little list of 31 things...why 31? That is just what came to me...
So Marvin the package wrapping elf has still not shown up so I guess I better go and find the tape and scissors and get to work...and I hope I remember where I hid everything...
So Merry Christmas my friends...may you have a very blessed holiday...
I love you all...
Inspiration Song: "We Need a Little Christmas"...the only good thing about the musical "Mame"...the movie "Auntie Mame" with Rosalind Russell is one of the best movies ever but that musical is not a good one...but the song...the song sure is! I like the "Glee" cast version...
Bye Darlings...May you have a very Merry Christmas...because we all need a little Christmas, right this very minute...
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