This is my cat...her name is "Angel". She is an applehead Siamese and the sweetest little thing. Right now she is asleep on the desk as I type this blog...
I got to thinking today that I have a lot of "Angels" in my life...not just my pretty little kitty cat.
I joined a sororoty in college---I am a proud member of Pi Beta Phi (shout out to my Texas Eta friends! And all Pi Phi Angels).
Pi Phi's "symbols" are an arrow...and an ANGEL...our colors are "wine and silver blue"
I wear Thierry Mugler "Angel" is my favorite scent (I am fond of others...and right now Tom Ford Black Orchid is making a definite play for my attention).
Angel perfume comes in a star bottle...and the perfume itself is colored...silver blue...
makes sense to me that I love it...and today when I refilled my bottle (yes! you can refill Angel for 30% less than buying a new bottle...another reason I love it) I was once again struck by how angels are so in my life...
I have angels in Heaven looking out for me...Mom, Daddy, my Grandpa...and special angels like my friend D's niece who's birthday is just one day after mine...our names both start with "A" and we almost shared a birthday so I always had a special place in my heart for her...and sadly we lost her to cancer...she was on my mind this weekend...
My doctor is an angel. I saw her today and she was thrilled with my weight loss. I was actually happy to have blood drawn because I am curious to see if my "inside" is matching my "outside" in getting healthier.
I know my heart is EKG showed a much improved resting heart rate (even Coach Dimples was impressed) and she was really excited about that.
Her support has been incredible and I loved being able to share with her that I "got it"...I "got it" for all the times she told me that if I ate better and excersised I could change my life. Showing her today that I have done that was really a high moment in all of this.
Now if only I could be as gorgeous as she is...people, she looks like a character from "Grey's Anatomy" or "Private Practice" except that she is a real bona-fide physician...
My trainer is an angel...he puts up with a lot of crap from he pushed me to my limit and got me to take myself to a level I didn't think I could get to...and it doesn't hurt that he does the running with me and keeps me motivated and stays positive with me...good grief, he got me to RUN...he has to be heaven-sent or some kind of witch to do that...I hate hate hate to run...
My spin and gym instrutors are angels...I love love love them...they keep me going and working hard...
my Aunt Jane is an angel...she is...because she puts up with me...and saves me from myself...
I have always called Ke$ha Barbie "my Angel"...because even when she doesn't act like an angel, she is one in my eyes...
And The Cutest Boy in the World is an angel of a little man...
The teachers at my kids schools are angels...because a good teacher is a gift from god...I regularly want to polish the halos on them...
and you, my friends, are angels to me...not just my Pi Phi sisters...but all of you who love and support me...
And back to my precious little kitty...she was a stray that "found" us...she walked into our yard and never left. She seemed to drop out of heaven so we named her "angel". She once disappeared for 13 days and returned, like a gift from God, on my son's birthday. We thought she was gone for good but I looked out the window of the kitchen door and there she was, looking in, asking to come back inside her home. She was a little lost kitty but she found a way to trust us and became a part of us and we love her...
I'm a little like her...I lost myself for a while but I found a way to trust myself again that I could do this...I became my own angel...and now I let other angels help me...
You're my angel...come and save me tonight...
Who's your angel(s)? Let 'em know that they save you...
And be your own angel...
Inspiration Song: "Angel" by favorite band...
bye darlings...
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