Saturday, January 29, 2011

Viva la Vida

Viva la the life!

Are you living the life or Living la vida Loca? (crazy life)

I can relate to the la vida loca...that is me 90% of the time...but today I'm talking about living the GOOD life...the life we all want to live...

Yesterday my girlfriends Athenagal and Chauchacha taught a great art history lesson to the 7th grade class...Romantisism and Realism...and the first painting discussed was Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People".

They showed the kids the Coldplay video of "Viva la Vida"...where Chris Martin (lead singer) wanders about in king's robes carrying a copy of that painting.

As I heard the song over and over (for each class) I was reminded:
1) how much I love that song
2) how much I love Coldplay's music
3) what a great statement viva la vida the life...

And I love that painting...

After the art lesson we met Dimples for a workout and had a great time...perfect weather, fun friends, awesome trainer...and we laughed a lot. You can't burn 400 calories in a better way...

that is surely Viva la Vida...

Right now I feel that I am pretty close to living my best life. I still have some issues to work out...things I am not going to blog about because even though I am pretty much an open book here there are things that I do need to keep private...but for the most part, I'm living the life I want/hope/dream about.

My children are healthy and happy...they amaze me every day and I am blessed that I get to be called "Mom" and not just "Anice"...

I have wonderful friends...really wonderful and supportive friends

I am healthy...I'm almost at a healthy weight...I am healthy "inside" with my cholesterol, sugar levels, etc.

I am fit...I can run...I can spin...I can lift weights...I work out...

I have a great gig with GOTT and TTG...I get to work with people I love and how awesome is that...and the kids...oh, I don't have enough good words for the kids and my love for them...

I have Dimples (lucky me!)...and JayVee...and Spinderella...and J'taime Jamie...

I have the possibility of getting my teaching certificate...something I would really like to do...

I have this blog as a creative outlet...

But still no Oprah...but there is hope!

Today I achieved a personal goal...I did a 75 minute spin class. As I told Dimples it was "a piece of cake"...I'm sure he is happy that I thought the class was a piece of cake and didn't EAT a piece of cake.

The class was fun and I'm happy to say that I was pretty pumped that I lasted all the way through and still had some energy left...


I had to sit through hours and hours of middle school boy's state wrestling championships.


Alas, The Cutest Boy in the World did not place or get a medal but he made a valiant effort at it and the boys he lost to were bigger and older than him. But he took them the distance and his coach was pleased with how well he did.

We had one boy win a state title and several other boys who placed 2-6.

I'm very proud of them!

But I'm so tired of very tired of sitting.

Who ever thought you could be tired of sitting?

I sat there and watched our boys fight it out with other boys.

While wearing leotards (called a singlet)...

and longed for football season...

because I "get" football...sorta...although Dimples still has to explain most of it to me...and I understand what is going on on the field even if I don't know what all the positions are.

Wrestling is still a mystery to sport I'm not sure I'm ever going to "get".

But my son likes it, so I will be supportive and sit and watch endless hours of it and pray that he stays safe. Today one boy on our team may have broken an ankle and I watched a boy from another team tear his ACL (or at least it pretty much look like he tore his ACL...poor kid).

I used to fear the injuries from football but now I understand that my son is safe with all that padding. I'm not saying he won't be hurt, but he is less likely to do so with shoulder pads on. It's a life I understand.

Wrestling is a life I am still figuring out...and I hate the demands to remain at a certain weight and all the physical contact.

The weight thing really gets me because as much as I am working to lose weight, I find it hard to put my 12 year old boy on a diet to make a weight class and feel good about it. And some of those wrestlers do extreme things to drop the weight...running in plastic suits, sweatboxes, steam showers, not drinking water...


that is not the life I want for my son...

so he can wrestle but we aren't doing the crazy stuff...

because I want to Viva la Vida...not Viva la vida loca...

and that, my friends is what I call "loca"...crazy...

I'm crazy enough...I don't need to add to the crazy.

Inspiration Song: "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay. Gorgeous the music...

Bye Darlings...Viva la Vida...

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