Monday, June 30, 2014

Can You Do This?

Hello Darlings...

since my last blog post I have had a few of you ask me about spinning and I have even inspired a few of you to try it...and that my lovies is the entire purpose of this blog:


and if I can make you laugh while I do it then mores the better...

Now just because I think that spinning is the most fun and effective way to burn calories, well that is just my opinion...and we all know what opinions are like...

Frankly I just want to inspire you to shake things up and find yourself in a place where you feel happy, healthy and fit.

It's not about losing weight or having a hot body...

well, maybe it is a little...I paid for a hot body and almost wrecked it and I am single...but what I really am seeking for myself is fitness...and hot body...

If running is your thing then by all means run your patootie off...but for me (and my crappy knees) I need the non-impact of spinning for my cardio workouts.

When I first started on my road back to fitness in 2010, I was a 300 lb miserable woman who looked 50 and felt 60...

I gave myself a month just to diet but it soon became apparent that I needed to add cardio and weight and strength training to the mix.

So when I was about 280 lbs I found a t-shirt big enough to cover my butt and a pair of very large pants and I hauled myself to the gym and got on the elliptical machine and worked out for an hour.  Stupidly I believed what the machine said my calorie burn was....


If you don't believe time you are at the gym turn on the treadmill (I learned this from a trainer) and don't get on it...just set it on...and watch the calories burn...

To accurately tell how many calories you are burning YOU NEED TO WEAR A HEART MONITOR.  I learned this from the amazing Coach Dimples back when he was training me (and the only reason I'm still not yelling at him on an almost daily basis is because he can't hear me in Colorado where he moved...I forgive him because he moved to have a life with the beautiful woman he loves who had a job opportunity there...but boy do I miss him...and yelling at him...)

So I thought that maybe today instead of telling you just to do something I might give you some tips on HOW to do it so that you might be further inspired to go and try something...

So if you want to try SPINNING (and JayVee and MyTommy and SuSu since you are the gurus of spin if you have any comments or need to correct me feel free to do so!)

1) find a studio...make sure it is convenient to your house!  If you have to travel more than 15 minutes from your home or work you won't might go SOME but not as often as you like. 

2) Decide if you want to join a spin-specific studio or try classes in a gym.  You can get an excellent class and instructor either way...some of the best instructors are actually at gyms and not at spin studios.  The advantage of a gym is that you can do things other than just spin.  The advantage of a spin studio is that the classes tend to be very consistent in style so that no matter what time you go or instructor you have you are guaranteed to get a good workout.  Many studios offer a free first class or a week of unlimited classes at a reduced it!

3) If you are at a gym, check out the class schedule and try to find a time to peek in (if there is a window) and where you can hear the instructor.  Everyone has their own style---some are drill sergeants, some are spiritual motivators...and some just kick your ass....I really suggest you find an instructor who teaches in a way you are comfortable before you try it...if you have a bad experience the first time you may not want to go back.  If I walked into a spin class with a drill sergeant who played a lot of country music I would never get back on the bike...but that's just me...Personally I love an instructor who gets off the bike and in my face to motivate me and/or busts a move dancing around the gets my energy going...yesterday MarvelousMel gave me oodles of moral support with by just coming to the second row and holding my hand for a sec...that may seem silly but it was like a hug when I needed it....and JayVee has no problem motivating me by standing next to me and upping my tension when she knows I need a push...or calls me out that I am doing great...

4) What to wear: I think it may be better to tell you what NOT to wear than what to wear.  I would not suggest running shorts for your first class...they are for RUNNING.  You will see some people wearing them but I doubt you will see an instructor do so.  Bike shorts are definitely a good way to go but I would avoid those with the built in gel padding if you are doing a "soul cycle" type class with a lot of choreography---that padding will get in your way when you are trying to do slides and tap backs.  Just plain bike shorts or any style of tight fitting workout pants will do.  My favorites are capris from Lucy (their perfect core).  You want something that won't ride up or twist about.  As for underwear I suggest a thong or go commando or underwear that aren't going to constantly make you want to "fix" yourself...not kidding.  A t-shirt or athletic shirt for men is great.  For women I would recommend a sports bra and tank or t-shirt...something that won't expose yourself when you are bent over the bike.  Just remember you will be getting your sweat on so dress for it...

5) a word about shoes: you will get a far superior workout if you wear bike shoes with clips.  Before investing in a pair I suggest you see if spinning is something you love's not that they are all that pricey but the will cost more than a few bucks.  Many spin studios require cycle shoes and will rent them to you for a low cost.  If you find you are loving spinning then go to a bike shop and get a pair with the clips or many studios also sell them so check those out as well.

6) bring a water bottle with will need it!

7) Arrive early for your first class.  This is sooooo important, especially if it is your first time to spin...but even if you are a veteran if you are at a new gym or studio you need time to familiarize yourself with the bike and studio itself.  Get there at least 20 min early and if there is a check-in or instructor in the studio let them know you are new.  Each bike brand is different...I love the Keisers at my club (that is one set of settings I have to remember) and Revolution uses a Schwinn (setting #2 to remember) and DEFINE uses a different kind of Schwinn (setting 3 for me to remember).  You need time to get on the bike and check your settings and get a feel for it.

8) If you are spinning for the first time PLEASE TELL THE INSTRUCTOR!!!!!  This is so important!  He/she needs to know you are a newbie...that way the can help you adjust your bike and familiarize you with how to ride it.  It's not like riding a's riding a SPIN bike.  He/she can help you learn how to click in with your clips, how to find your settings, how to work the computer (if the bike has one), and help you understand the different positions.  Trust me THEY WANT TO KNOW YOU ARE NEW TO will make it a much better experience for you.  And if you are a veteran spinner but new to a studio, gym, or class please let the instructor know...they may have some valuable info on how they structure their its just good manners!

9) now you gotta figure out where you want to you want to hide in the back? be a front row powerhouse?  stay in the middle?  be near where the fans blow?  be away from the fans?  See yourself in the mirror? Not see yourself in the mirror?  Some studios have you "book" your bike so you have a reserved spot...other's is first come/first served.  Get there early enough to look around and see where you want to ride.  For me it is front row but not where I can see myself in the mirror and I do not want even the tiniest breeze of a fan on me...Some studios bring the lights way way down so you are almost in the dark...for many people that is freeing...

10) many studios have gel seat pads for your use...use one the first few will be more comfortable. 

11) speaking of comfortable, let me just let you know it is is hard, and that saddle feels like a rock the first few times...and you are gonna get sore and tired.  That is what Advil is for.  Take your advil and go back. 

12) the instructor is going to tell you how fast you should be going (most ride to rhythm) and how much tension you should have on your bike.  The first few classes you take will be hard...I'm not going to lie to you, so don't feel bad if you have to back the tension off a bit or sit down.  It's's a hard workout.  So ease off the tension if it is feeling too hard, or take a seat if you need to...BUT make it your goal to stay up, or stay at the tension the instructor is suggesting.  AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT STAND UP IN THE SADDLE WITH NO TENSION ON...can you say torn ligament surgery? 

13) The instructor will help you understand the different do not want to be draped over the bike like your want to keep your butt over the saddle when you are don't want to be wiggling around like my cat does before he not grip the handle bars like they are a joystick on a video game.  The handle bars are there for support and positioning but not to support you---that is what your legs are for!  Your core and legs will support you...some instructors may even have you take one hand off the bars (but you should never stand and not have at least one hand resting on the bar).  Lightly rest your hands on the bar and make sure you can wiggle your fingers.  Your feet should be "flat" and not pointed down (like riding a regular bike).  You should have a 20% bend in your knee when it is fully extended...

14) So you find a studio, get there early, are appropriately dressed and have water, meet the instructor, get situated on the bike...and then you do the class and at the end...YOU WANT TO DIE.  Guess what?  I don't really know of anyone dying from spin class.  It will be hard but it won't kill you and it will get easier.  It will never ever BE easy (if it is don't go back to that class) but it will GET easier.  Go home and take Advil and go back again within a couple of days.  And if you didn't love the instructor or class, go back to a different may not be the spinning you didn't like but just the style of the instructor.  Whatever you do I urge you to go back and try it again...don't let it be a "one and done" thing!

and my last suggestion:
15) Take a friend with's not a social hour by any means but having a friend ride next to you is great moral support and you can feel proud together.  It's very motivating to be there with someone you know.  Yesterday JayVee and I took a class together (that is why she is an awesome instructor---she takes classes from others so she can "grow") and we had so much fun pounding away.

So there you go...some tips to help you get started...

And hey if spinning is not "your thing" then I urge you to check out other forms of group exercise.  I have found that if I have a class I have signed up for or a session with a trainer booked that I have no excuse.  When I'm afraid I will "wimp out" and not go to a class I make sure I sign up online so it's paid for and I can't back out...

I know this is a super boring blog but since some of you have asked I thought I would help you out and see if I can't get a few more of you to try this awesome form of working out. 

Trust me, I usually feel like I want to die during class...I curse JayVee and the Revolution girls and SuSu under my breath...and I pray for it to end...but then somewhere my brain takes over my body and I find that I am proud of myself for being able to work so hard and not die.  Sometimes class passes so quickly that when we start to cool down I can't believe 45-60 min (depending on the class) has passed.  Other days one song in I'm asking myself why the hell I am there and I want off the damn bike...but for the most part I go, sweat my ass off, have fun and get proud that this almost 50-year old former fat girl can do what I do.

I wish I was the kind of person who could eat whatever she wanted and wouldn't gain an ounce...but then again I am not a 16-year old boy.  My son can down his weight in chicken wings and not gain any weight and if I LOOK at the chicken wings (or whatever) I gain the weight for both of us...heck if I just SMELL something like chicken wings I gain weight...sigh....

So for me I need to do cardio and weight training 5 days a week or the weight creeps back on...I found it out the hard way when I cut back to twice a week and the weight crept on...but then it quit creeping and sneaking up on me and went into full  attack and it suddenly things got ugly...I started to resemble Princess Fiona in her ogre state and not Barbie anymore...

So for the past month I have upped my exercise and have been eating really pretty darn clean.  I have been eating so much salmon it is a miracle I am not pink and walking backward (like a salmon swims upstream).  I have several ways I prepare salmon but I found this amazing recipe on Pinterest from an excellent food blogger and it is my "go-to" now.  It's a yummy teriyaki marinade (I think it would also be great on flank or skirt steak or chicken or pork chops) and has a sriracha cream sauce.  I changed the sauce to my own sriracha "crazy sauce" (see last blog) but the marinade is spot-on.  Even if you don't like salmon you might find you do if you try this.  I suggest letting it marinade for 8-24 hours for maximum flavor.  Just remember to make the marinade ahead of time because it must fully cool off before you throw the fish in it.

Here's the link to her truly is damn delicious

So my darlings I hope I have inspired some of you to try spinning or push yourself to go again if you tried it once and didn't like it.  If you belong to the HRC I will meet you any Tuesday/Thursday for JayVee's class if you want to try...and if you don't belong to the HRC but live in Houston and want to try out Revolution or DEFINE I will meet you there for moral support...


Inspiration Song: "Can You Do This?" by Aloe will get you going...its one of those songs that makes me want to dance around like Snoopy...

Bye Darlings...get on your bikes and ride! (maybe I should have called this "Fat Bottomed Girls").  Just give spin (or a trainer or group exercise) a chance...and feel free to message me if  you have questions...

Sunday, June 22, 2014


I love throwing something up there on the blog title that will scare some of you...

so you see that and go....

"uh oh what now?"

I've made a lot of changes in the last few years:
lost over 100 pounds
got divorced
sent Kesha Barbie off to college
started working at a new school
sold my beloved house and moved into a new one

But lately there have been a few more changes in my world...

and to be perfectly honest if you keep up with me on facebook pretty much none of this will be a surprise...

but lately I have been thinking about changes, and making changes, and changing things that I need to fix...

like the fact I have been divorced 2 years and 3 months and the judge granted me the use of my maiden name back and until now I haven't changed my driver's license or any of that legal-type stuff to say "Shelton"...

but on June 10

I took myself down the the DPS and fixed it...


the next time I get a speeding ticket (I am Bobby S___n's daughter) that cop will be writing it to "Anice S____n"

Believe it or not that was easy.  I did the "get in line online" thing and only waited 10 minutes to see the awesome lady who made the change and took my photo...

name change...check that off the "to do" list

So now that my DL says my name I am fixing my credit cards, etc.

Believe it or not American Express was more trouble than the DPS...but, and maybe this should give me pause, Chase and Citi (for my Visa and MC...yes, I have a few...) were just a little "change my name to this" and "save the change"....

up next: Social Security and the passport

not that I am going anywhere but you never know...I could win a game show prize or meet a man (who drives a big ass truck and has blue eyes and dimples) who wants to whisk me away to Costa Rica...

it could happen...

the game show I mean...

the man part is....well, that is a whole other blog...

I called my Aunt Jane to tell her what I had done.  Because you see...that day would have been my mom's 70th birthday. So instead of wallowing in self pity that I no longer had her here with me I decided to do something she would be proud of.

It was a very liberating feeling to know that I am no thoroughly and legally me.  I didn't do it because I dislike my ex-husband, I did it because I want to really start my life over and part of that was no longer having to spell a name that pretty much contained every letter in the alphabet.

Other changes...

My closet.  Yes, my closet...

I had a perfectly nice closet in this house but given that my last 3 homes have had really well organized closets I bit the bullet and I hired a closet company to come in and re-do the closet.  I now have a really well-organized space that works perfectly for me.

And yes, I totally take up 100% of the space and there is no room for anyone else.

So if some man who drives a big-ass truck ever becomes a permanent part of my life we will have to figure out what other closet in the house isn't inconvenient for him...

but I am not planning on that so I feel zero guilt that I have this big closet all to myself.

There is room in my life for a man...

but not his clothing...

When I moved I "purged" a bit but I was so busy packing everything else up I didn't really pay much attention to my clothes.  So once I took everything out of the closet for the new one I had all my clothes on rolling racks in my great room.

and boy did reality smack me upside my little head

I have too many clothes...and I have clothes that never need to be on my body again.

This year I am about to turn a very scary number...and because of that I realize now that some of the things I could get away with in my 40's won't look so great when they are being sported by a woman of a certain age.

So those went into the donation pile...

And so did things that won't fit right since I had my improvements made by Dr. Bonnie Baldwin.

And a few things that were hopelessly out of style (they are going into the costume closet at the school)

And a few things that made me say "what the hell was I thinking?" when I looked at them again.

I've also changed my workouts a bit.

I got really really lazy and found myself only working out 2X per week...and if JayVee wasn't teaching or I was subbing sometimes that was only once a week.

And so sure enough weight has crept back on and I am mighty unhappy with myself about it.

But in a sense I am glad it happened because it taught me a few things:

1) I must exercise 4-5 days a week to maintain a healthy body
2) I need to change it up and not just do one sort of workout
3) I can eat what I want...but only if I am working out at least 5 days a week
4) I can eat what I want as long as I keep it pretty clean and only have one or two cheat meals a week

Soooooo...I decided to try out a new spin place to kick in some more classes and for a change of pace.

No one, and I mean no one, is a better or more creative spin teacher than JayVee.  But she only teaches it twice a week.  And because of my crappy knees I can't do some of her other classes that require a lot more bouncing about.

So on her recommendation (yes SHE sent me there because she loves me and knows what is good for me) I tried out Revolution Studio.


that was a good thing

I love it...the instructors are spot on and in 45 minutes I get a great spin class and come out of there drenched in sweat and ready for those lovely lavender frozen towels they give us.

It's a "Soul Cycle" concept and it's done in the dark.

It's a lot of techno and hip-hop music.

It's not for everybody.

But I am loving it and since I have added some classes there to the ones that JayVee teaches the weight is melting off.  JayVee teaches in that same "soul cycle" format but with a little more intensity, a little more choreography, and for an hour.  So I was prepared for the Revolution classes and their intensity.

And to add to the "change it up" my friend SuSu now teaches spin at DEFINE Tanglewood on Sundays so I am adding her to the mix.  She does an awesome job and she had me shredding the calories last week when I took my first class from her.

You can only get JayVee if you belong to the Houston Racquet Club, but if you are looking to try spinning and want something fun and intense I highly recommend Revolution Studio (Memorial City or Sugar Land) or DEFINE (many locations).  They have similar formats and styles at both studios but with a few differences...check them will get a great workout and have fun doing it.

Another change for me has been that this is the first time in my life that I have been completely alone for a long period of time.

Kesha Barbie decided to stay in Boston and get a job for the summer so she's not home.  And The Cutest Boy in the World (TCBITW) is off at camp being a junior counselor.

So it is just me in the cats.

There are some days that the only voices heard in the house are from the tv...or when I talk to the cats.

They don't answer back so it's usually pretty quiet.

It's sometimes a bit lonely but KuteKaren and RoyBoy and SuperSarah have been dragging me out a bit at night.

Last night I had my "Big Gay Night at the Theater" because I went to see "Xanadu"with a group of wonderful and very fun friends (I love you boys!!!!!).  I went with SweetyTodd, De-LIGHTful Adam (he is a lighting designer) and Robert Scissorhands (he is a hair stylist and jewelry designer) and we all enjoyed watching the  Divine Miss Tam bring the house down as an evil muse.

If you live in Houston I urge you to go and see "Xanadu" at Stages.  It's appropriate for ages 12 on up and you do not have to be a fan of the movie to enjoy it.  It is the most fun I have had at the theater in ages and it was actually my second time to see it last night...and I am considering going at least once more before it closes.

I will confess that the movie is one of my guilty pleasures and I have a playlist of nothing but the songs from it on my iPod so I am a fangirl...but even if you have "Never Been Mellow" or enjoyed the "Magic" of Olivia Newton John I think you will take "The Fall" and become "Suspended in Time" while you watch the show.  And seeing "Evil Woman" the Divine Miss Tam work her "Strange Magic" on the crowd is reason enough to go.  You will "Suddenly" find yourself "Dancin"'All Over the World" (or at least to the parking lot) and I promise you will be singing "Xanadu" in the shower and wake up saying "I'm Alive"...

(Come on people...I just managed to get like almost every song from the show into one paragraph...go see it for that alone).

And now I will end this blog with a life-changing recipe..

Ok, so it won't REALLY change your life but I made if for my friend SweetSu and JayVee and they both agree that it is good on everything.

I agree...

It's a touch creamy, a little sweet, and nicely spicy...

We call it "Crazy Sauce" because it is crazy good and it sounds crazy when you see what the ingredients are.

I never do measurements but here is what you need:

Mexican Crema (you can use sour cream but Mexican...and not Salvadoran or Honduran but MEXICAN Crema is the best. They sell it at most groceries but my favorite is the La Michaocana store brand)
Sriracha (and it has to be Sriracha)
Agave nectar

So put some crema in a bowl (say half a cup)
now squirt in some much you put in depends on how spicy you like things...for mildly spiced I would say put some in and stir and if it is the color of raw atlantic salmon you are good.  For a spicier flavor add more...but start at "raw salmon" color.

Next squirt in about a teaspoon of agave nectar.  I know it sounds weird but TRUST me on this...the sweetness is necessary...and it just works.

Now adjust things to your liking.  If you are using sour cream and not crema I would add a dash or two of salt.  Mexican crema is lighter and saltier than sour cream so add a bit of salt...

now put it on everything...

It's especially good on salmon (especially if you teriyaki marinate it first) and chicken..but really it goes with everything but dessert...

you're welcome...

Inspiration song; "Changes" by David Bowie.  Because sometimes you just need some ch-ch-ch-ch-changes in your life and you have to "turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes"...but don't let them scare you...make some changes to improve your life...I try and do it every day...

Bye proactive and make the changes you need to so you have a better life..sometimes changes are thrown at you but the ones you decide to do on your own can truly take you to a better place...or at least more room in the closet...