Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ordinary World

It was an ordinary Sunday for me...except that the incredible JayVee added a spin/body pump class to the schedule at the HRC so now I get to have a great workout on Sundays.

Remember, there is no rest for the wicked!

oh, that was a few blogs ago...

So back to JayVee...awesome class...45 minutes of spin, 45 of body pump...and she gave us some good music. It was just what a needed.

Last night I went to see "Black Swan" with my friend...oh, let's call her Twirler Girl because that is what she was back in high school. Some of you will know of who I speak. Anyway, she's my movie or museum date these days and so we thought we would give "Black Swan" a try.


Very dark and twisty.

I've have friends who were professional ballerinas. Not an easy life. This movie doesn't glamourize it at all. I'm glad that Ke$ha Barbie proved to be more athletic than flexible and lyrical...

After the movie we went to dinner...she's on a raw diet and I'm doing the no bread/pasta thing these days. So of course we choose to go to Red Robin...because there is nothing like temptation when you are trying to eat right. When I say she is on a raw diet, I mean she is eating nothing but raw fruits and veggies and nuts for the next 21 days. She's done it before, I don't know how...and I can't because I can't eat nuts and you pretty much have to on this diet for the protein and healthy fats. So she had a salad and I had a veggie burger patty with a lettuce leaf "bun"...and it was pretty darn good! She's training for the MS150 (she's done it before) and I'm so incredibly proud of her. That is something I really do not think I could do. But who knows...I never thought I would run (and I do) and I never thought I would be anythig but a plus-sized girl (not anymore) and I never thought I would like to work out (and I LOVE it) and I never thought I would write a blog and share it (and...well, here we are...)

I'm still putting together thoughts on restaurant food advice to put in a blog but I'll save it for another day. Two food blogs in one week are boring...

Writing this blog is an outlet for me. I have never been a journal keeper but doing this is more like storytelling or therapy. I like it.

Recently I discovered that I could see how many times my blogs are viewed. I can see it by number of times per day, week, month or in the history of the blog.

I have become obsessed with appeals to my OCD...

My numbers are super small compared to most bloggers...but I don't care...I write for me and my friends who read this and...Oprah...

I can't tell WHO views my blog but I can tell what websites (like facebook) have referred it (but not by facebook user).

The most interesting thing is that it shows me where my blog readers live...not by state but by country.

So somewhere out in this world of ours, people are reading all this silly stuff I write.

People from Slovenia, Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK, Russia (yes, Russia), and others that I can't remember right now.

That fascinates me.

So, if you are from another country---PLEASE "friend" me on facebook (Anice Shelton Duytschaever---there I just totally lost my anonymity...maybe not such a good idea)so I can know who you are...or sign up to be a blog follower. I think it is so great to know people from other places...

I think it is totally cool that someone from Denmark reads anything I write...I love that...

But all of this got me thinking just how small our world is now with the internet. How it is possible to meet someone from another country without ever seeing them face-to-face. That Facebook can reconnect you with old friends and let you meet new ones...from Denmark!

Information is transferred in seconds. That I can write this blog and in seconds after posting someone can read it absolutely blows my mind.

To think that children that are growing up today will never know a world without the internet and this exchange of ideas is exceptionally cool.

When you consider that 30 years ago making a long distance call was still a big deal and that now you don't even call you just TEXT, well, how far have we come?

I could go on and on about this but it makes my head hurt to think about it all. I just know that our world is smaller and I pray that it leads to greater humanity and understanding and peace.

Now as for MY humanity and peace...well, I still am a little boggled that my way of dealing with stress now is with healthy food and exercise but a year ago it was something fried or Marble Slab ice cream (sweet cream flavor...all I ever want).

I cooked my husband and son ribeye steaks tonight. I made myself some salmon. A year ago I could not have imagined NOT digging into a nice big juicy (fatty) steak and preferring salmon (I still don't love it but I do love what it does for my body). But tonight I could have cared less...and I looked forward to my salmon.

I texted Dimples about my workouts this weekend...he was really proud of me. And proud that I kept the wine to a minimum (2 glasses Friday after a very stressful day, and one last night with Twirler Girl...oh, and a beer...).

I told him that as long as I behave I make BOTH of us look good...because I'm working to do what he suggests I do...and he plans my workouts.

And it is working...

And all it is is just eating healthy and clean and exercising. Just plain, ordinary, living healthy. That's all...good food in, hard workouts...

Anyone can do it...I'm living proof...

Inspiration Song: "Ordinary World" by...Duran Duran...I'll get off the Duran Duran kick soon...but for now it is fun to find a title to match my thoughts...

Bye Darlings...let me know where you live in this ordinary world of ours!

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