Yesterday GOTT"s beautiful wife (let's call her Gottess...because she is a Goddess and GOTT's wife) had a birthday party for him. A BOWLING birthday party.
I like to bowl but I am beyond terrible at it. I'm about as bad as you can get.
I need the bumper things or all my balls are in the gutter...
But I love GOTT and it was a party and fun fun fun people were invited so I risked my manicure to play...badly...
First up was dinner at Guadalajara...
So Gottess knows I am dieting and she's uber-supportive so we share dinner (yummy mahi-mahi that was so big I glad we shared...and the homemade guacamole with ceviche...heaven). I stuck to beer because I was afraid I might hit someone with a 10 pound bowling ball if I drank tequila or vodka. Beer is safer...and so filling I can't drink Corona Lite it was...
Then we moved upstairs to the Lucky Strikes Lanes in the Houston Pavilions...people, this place is fun fun fun if you are with the right group.
We had the right group...
8 of us...strangers to each other but all connected to GOTT and Gottess...which really makes for a more fun party in many ways.
GOTT is up first...bowls a strike...
everyone is doing great...and then it is my turn...gutter...gutter...
This goes on for quite a while...GOTT throwing strikes and me throwing gutter balls. Gottess is pretty great with her bowling. So is Lady T and Lady R (who even managed to do the splits after releasing one ball).
So Mr. Cute as a Cue Ball (cause he is adorable and bald) gives me a suggestion...stop looking at the pins and just throw the ball between 2 spots on the floor. worked!
I never did better than 9 pins...and I still was 60% (maybe more) gutter balls...and I sadly didn't even break 30...but I had fun trying.
The scores are automatic and up on a screen and they even measure how fast the ball travels down the lane in mph...and that is when things got interesting.
The score screen reminded us we had 6 minutes left in our lane usage so GOTT had the brilliant idea for us to "speed bowl".
So we did...
He threw one down the lane at over 24 mph...I didn't think that was possible. The best I could do was 13.8 mph. My husband managed a respectable 16 until he got beaten by "a girl" (Lady R) who threw one down at 16.5 mph.
That was fun...I highly recommend it...I even got 9 pins down with one of my fast balls...
And GOTT won...he threw something like 12 strikes...maybe more...some people are just naturally coordinated.
He loved his gift...a coffee mug with "GOTT" on one side and my favorite phrase he says on the other...
"I wouldn't have told you to stand there because I am a better director than that!!!"
It never fails in every show we do, some kid is standing in the wrong place and when he asks "why are you standing there?" they usually stare at him blankly. Sometimes they foolishly try to tell him that HE told them to (fools...GOTT remembers where everyone goes on the stage). So when he asks, he usually responds with "I know I didn't tell you to stand there because I am a better director than that".
My son and daughter can both tell you when and to whom he said that to in the shows they have been in that he directed.
I can't wait to see who does it in the fall for our fall program...
GOTT knows just exactly where to place someone on the stage. He is, make that making what I like to call "stage pictures" when someone is in the wrong spot...he knows...
I also re-wrote the words to a song from Seussical for him...the song is called "All for You" and he loved it...and he "got" it...because he is GOTT and is my brother from another mother...
Last year I screwed up his birthday and mixed up the party dates...he was unhappy with me for that...and reminded me to get a better this year I got it all right!
I look forward to school resuming so we can drink our hot tea (last year I bought him an electric kettle for his now we can have tea)from our mugs...him with his "GOTT" mug and me with my "don't make me call the flying monkeys" pretty much sums us up...he is a god and I am a witch...
So maybe I couldn't get the bowling right but I did get the gift right...
Today was another day of things being off-kilter for me....
I'm still up a pound...
I missed my workout (I have excuses...none of them very good...the main one being that my knee is killing me after last nights bowl-a-thon)
But here is the kicker...and tell me if you wouldn't be miffed too...because today I had my once-a-year celebration of being a woman with my gynecologist. You was THAT appointment...the yearly exam...
It was way more fun seeing her (the doctor) when I was pregnant. Now it is just a chore...and a chore I have avoided for a few more years than she would like. Yes, I have been a bad patient. I have gotten my mammograms but avoided the other. And I get to see my doctor out and about at school because her children attend my daughter's she reminds me that I need to come in "to see her professionally"...
So I made an appointment...that I had to wait a month for since she has drastically cut back her hours as a doctor (I guess having 4 children will do that to you...she is forgiven...).
But here is the unforgivable part...she wasn't there today...
And no one told me....
Not the girl who called about the insurance yesterday...
Not the lady at the main check-in...
Not the gal behind the desk in her office that I checked in with...
And not the nurse that took my blood pressure and history and told me to get undressed and in the robe thing and wait for the doctor...
I found out...when a MAN walked into the room...not my beloved doctor, but a man...
I have nothing against male doctors. My first gynecologist/obstetrician was a man.
It's just that today I was expecting a woman to walk through that door...a woman I have been seeing for 13 years.
Now, to the new guy's credit, he was sweet as pie and said he totally understood if I wanted to reschedule. And he seemed miffed at the nurse...for not telling me...
But there I was, undressed and wrapped in the robe thing...sitting on the table...and I was pretty ticked off...
So I said...
"No, let's just do it"
And he couldn't have been nicer. And I'm considering just switching to him (because he was super nice and very willing to be helpful and answer questions and took his time after the exam (when I was dressed) to make sure I didn't have any concerns or questions) but then I will have to deal with the same office staff...the same office staff that NEGLECTED to tell me that MY doctor was not in today.
Maybe she had an emergency...maybe something came up...but surely SOMEONE could have mentioned it before I was on that exam table...right?
So I was not a happy camper...and then they told me I had to have blood work...that really made me happy...
At least the phlebotomist (I learned today that is the word for the person who draws your blood) was the sweetest, dearest thing...and for me to say that having blood drawn was the highlight of my day is saying something... sum it up:
Phlebotomist---got it right
new doctor---got it right with the new patient
office staff---screwed up big time
nurse----screwed up big time
I consoled myself by baking in the sun, reading my book, having dinner with Sistah (since hubby and TCBITW have gone fishing and Ke$ha Barbie would rather eat barf than dine alone with me), going to the bookstore to get more books to read (I bought "The Help"---heard it was great...and Anthony Bourdain's new book---because I am obsessed with him), and coming home to watch the results show of "So You Think You Can Dance" (amazing show...).
Tomorrow MUST be better...
Inspiration Song: an oldie but goodie..."Couldn't Get it Right" by the Climax Blues Band...
bye darlings...
Anice....Love your blog!
Lady R :)