Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Help I'm Alive

Oooooo...I haven't blogged in a while...did you miss me?

I think some of you were very worried about me...and some of you may have wondered if I was still alive and well...

Well, I am...

Been busy...been busy...trying to get my stuff in mom stuff, Medieval Feast chairman stuff, Art A la Carte (art history) teacher stuff, costume designer stuff...

Just stuff...

I've had other "stuff" to handle to but right now I'm not ready to blog about that so you will just have to wait...soon enough...soon enough...

So update on me:

FINALLY got the MRI results...all good! ALL GOOD! No tears to cartilege or ligaments...just a bad strain...

No surgery!

NO SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!

No stoppin' my workout...

Just relaxin a little on the runnin'...

I am soooooo happy! Dimples was pleased...but he said all along he didn't think I had a tear...

So my weight...

THIS is good...

I'm down to 177...

GO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can wear a 12...even a 10 or two and the 14's are too big.

Popped on my black "Lucy" (from the store) pants and grey "wife beater" tank and had 3 friends not readily recognize me...LOVE THAT...

Even had a coach or two glance a little longer...

not bad...

LOVE THAT too...

I think I looked a little like trailer park trash myself...all I was missing was the bra straps showing, a lit cigarette, and a beer...and yes, I can call myself trailer park trash because I once lived in a double-wide...

What else...

I've been doing a 5-day a week bootcamp with Dimples...he's been working it off me daily...and it's all good...and several friends have joined me and are doing great!

GO DIMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday we went for a train and run through Memorial Park just to mix it up a bit.


except that I hate to run...

But we run the trails and take small breaks to do some strength work. It really is an amazing workout and it is a nice fun change-up from our usual stuff.

Except for one thing (besides the running part)...

Tree roots...

yes, they are the bane of our existance...because they are everywhere when you are running a trail. Dimples almost ate the trail the other day and I had 4 narrow misses yesterday.

I keep looking down to watch for them but my feet don't always cooperate.

What else...

Oh yeah...I've been riding my bike every morning.

Love that...

I get up at 5:45 and am on the bike by 6:00 so I can have a quick 30 minute ride before breakfast. It's all part of Dimples plan and it really seems to be working to get the pounds off and re-shape me. I enjoy the peace of the morning and my music.

What I don't enjoy...


Tree branches

uneven sidewalks


dark is getting light outside and I just ride on the street as much a I can even though I am supposed to be on the "hike and bike trail" (i.e. sidewalk).

Dimples and I are going to ride on Friday...let's see if we can avoid a divorce now that I have my dual platform pedals and not just the clip things.

What else...

Lacrosse season has started...woo hoo! I like lacrosse...or "lax" as some call it...I understand football a little better...lax looks like organized chaos to me.

Both of my kids are playing lax this year.

My son loves it...almost as much as football. And his favorite teacher is the coach. They have won 2 out of 2 games.

My daughter is playing for the first time. Seems Ke$ha Barbie needed another PE credit so she and her bestie decided to play lax when the bestie refused to play dodge ball.

Yes, they give PE credit at her high school ball...

So she has never played before...but she is learning...she doesn't expect to be very good at it, although she was a pretty good field hockey and soccer player...but she gets that PE credit out of the way...and I like it that she is doing something active. She's skinny as heck but needs conditioning...

What else...

Oh yeah! Got to see my friend Trainer Girl today! She was trainer at our lax game...she hasn't seen me since November...she was so pumped to see how I have shrunk...and I love sitting with her at games...she's a doll because she really enjoys our boys. We have a good time...and we love to talk about Alexsander Skaarsgard...and she loved it that Dimples (whom she knew as football coach) was my trainer...

What else...

Oh, this is good...I'm teaching math next week. 8th grade. For one day. I use the term "teaching" will be high level babysitting. I don't do that will be a blog in and of itself.

What else...

Well, I have to run...The Cutest Boy in the World needs me to quiz him over science...

So, I know this must be THE MOST BORING BLOG EVER...but now you have an update and I promise to be more amusing and fun next time...

Until then...

Inspiration Song: "Help I'm Alive" by it love it love that band...GREAT song...

Bye Darlings...yes, I am alive...

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