Monday, January 1, 2018

From Now On

Happy 2018 Darlings!

Here we are on the first day of a new year...

For me 2017 was absolutely the crappiest year of my life (other than my daughter graduating college and getting our Tommy Tune nominations (high school music awards) and my Dr. Angel discovering cancer in my neck THAT NO ONE ELSE FOUND so I could be saved).

Besides all the stupid horrible cancer stuff I had to face I also lost my sweet beloved kitty Seringa. She had been with me for 14 years and she literally was the sweetest baby on the planet. She never fussed, she loved so cuddle in bed and I loved her so much.  Putting her "to sleep" because she had a cancerous mass in her pelvis (ironic, isn't it?) was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. And it was the day after chemo---so not only was I in emotional pain from the loss of her but I had the physical stuff from the was not a good month...

Since I literally spent all of 2017 trying to fight what was trying to kill me (or dealing with the after affects of the treatments they were giving me) I am ready to start 2018 and have a better year.

I used to make the "usual" resolutions:
exercise more
lose weight
clean up my diet
spend more time with family
get work done quicker
be more organized


and when I would set a goal for HOW much weight to lose I always felt like a failure...because it was unrealistic and too much pressure...

As I enter 2018 I am NOT making resolutions...

A friend of mine, PetroGirl, suggested instead of RESOLVING we should be EVOLVING...

To resolve is to firmly set a course of action.

But that's just PLANNING...

Goal Setting...

and goals are good...they are always good...

but often we do the part where we set the goal but we don't set the course of action to achieve that goal.

So it does no good to say "I'm going to lose 10 lbs" if you don't know what you are going to do to achieve that goal.

Or to say "I will exercise more" and you don't join a gym or workout boutique and you don't set a schedule to actually go and workout...

I love that I have to book my bikes at Revolution---it makes me commit to going and it sets a schedule for me.

But to EVOLVE is to develop gradually..from a simple to complex form...

So for that "lose 10 lbs goal"---set your course of action to be one that allows you to develop slowly so you don't feel like its a "diet" but rather an eating plan...

a lot of people are doing the "keto" diet to lose weight and for a lot of people it works GREAT. It's the old "Atkins" diet given a new name. For me Atkins never worked and the severe deprivation of carbs to get you into ketosis just isn't me...but if you do it right (and NEVER cheat because the most minor of cheats will have you gain weight quicker than you drank that glass of wine) and you have your doctor ok it (because going into ketosis can be dangerous for some people) it's a great way to drop some pounds.  Google "keto diet" and you will get a lot of info to learn more...and please know that just because it doesn't work for me that I don't think it is a good is just not a good plan for ME

But to me that's not an evolution...that's a diet plan...

I do better with an evolution---where I don't suddenly cut out a bunch of stuff and change everything about how I eat.

So I lost 60 lbs last year (some of it gained during chemo)---which hey is another GOOD thing---by just cutting out some stuff but not depriving myself.

I cut out the "bad" carbs---bread, white rice, pasta, potatoes, sugar...and I did it slowly...the potatoes, rice and pasta went first...then the bread (I switched to a whole wheat health bread that comes in a smaller size loaf) and finally the sugar (which also means alcohol).

Do I still eat bread? Sometimes if I am at a restaurant with REALLY GOOD bread I MIGHT eat some...but sometimes I would rather cheat with a glass of wine. Otherwise I just have one slice of Dave's bread (green label)for breakfast or 2 slices with my lunchtime sandwich...

I allow myself potatoes or pasta once a month.

I do eat brown rice but in very low amounts and not very often. And usually with sushi or a poke bowl...

My diet EVOLVED into what it is...although to be perfectly honest it all went out the window this holiday season and I gained a few pounds back but sometimes you just have to eat:

prime rib
yorkshire pudding
shortbread cookies

hmmmmm....I see a lot of wine there...

and yes there was a lot of wine...

So if you are looking to drop a few plans MAKE A PLAN....and don't just cut out everything at once or you will feel deprived and can't keep going...whether is is cutting carbs, or eating less meat or red meat, or just cutting sugar take it slowly and just get rid of one thing a week.

For less carbs drop one "bad" carb a week but fill up with good healthy ones (google "low glycemic diet" and you will see which ones are "bad" and "good")

For less meat/red meat cut meat out of one meal a week to start with...or replace something you would normally make with red meat with chicken or turkey....tonight I made turkey chili---and I can't tell that it is not beef. I'm not saving that much in calories because you can get lean beef but I'm looking at the whole picture here and trying to cut back. After a few weeks on my current eating plan I plan to drop at least one meal a week that has meat and go meatless...

And sugar is a devil in a lot of places so start with the easy stuff---stuff you know has sugar in it---and go from there.

I never felt deprived eating this way because if I wanted to eat something I did---because it wouldn't wreck my eating plan if I did cheat. It just set me back.

And if fitness is one of your goals for 2018 don't just run to the nearest gym, workout like crazy for a week straight and then burn yourself out. Start slowly and jump in. Try something new. A lot of workout places offer a trial membership so you can try it and see if it is for you.

Or try Class Pass which gives you the opportunity to try several different places to workout and see what makes you happy.

Sometimes it is the exercise and sometimes it is the place you do it at.

There are a lot of spinning places and yoga places in Houston but for me Revolution is my favorite place because I love the people there so I don't go to the "big name brand mentioned all the time by celebrities" place because I am very happy where I am. Plus I pay less.

I expanded my yoga to include a second studio just because I needed a little flexibility when my schedule got I cut back on a few other things so I could add in some other classes.

Explore what your city has to offer and give things a try. I never ever thought I would love yoga but I honestly do. I've tried Pilates a few times and found it hurts my knees and I watch the clock so that's one I don't do but I might revisit it again sometime...

And if gyms aren't your thing find a way to do it at home. Buy some light weights (you can do more than you think with just hand weights and a body bar). Subscribe to an online yoga program or something similar...just move!

No one becomes a marathoner overnight.

It takes training and it's an evolution of training that gets them to the point that they can run that far. You don't just start running and go 26 miles...

take any fitness goal the same way---start out slowly and then follow a plan to add in more until you hit a balance.  No one plan works for everyone...

I have some other areas I want to EVOLVE in...

I want to:
declutter my house
find love
sell some things I no longer need
get rid of some of the things I have in storage
shop less (for groceries and for "things")

So I have made a plan for some but not all...

I'm going to start with what is in my house and take it room by room, cabinet by cabinet, drawer by drawer, closet by closet.

I won't try to do it all at once...if i do I will be overwhelmed.

I admire people who can just go into a room and reorganize it all at one time without stopping but I have ADD and I know my limits. So one thing at a time.

Once I have the house decluttered (and some things sold that I find I don't need) I will tackle the storage stuff...

which will lead me to shopping less for "things" because I am sure I will find a whole lotta stuff that I didn't realize I had..or don't need more of...

As for the groceries my eating plan will evolve into a meal prep plan so that on Saturday I can look at what my upcoming week is looking like and shop for what I plan to cook/eat and not make so many trips to the store.

As for the find love part---well that is also an evolution and that is one I need to figure out.

Online dating is a big hard "no" for me so I need to find other ways to put myself out socially and maybe I can finally meet someone now that my life isn't revolving around chemo and radiation and feeling horrible afterwards...

Goals are great...and so I have some...I plan to evolve to meet those goals...but I also know that a goal not met is not a failure but instead I need to adjust my planning and course of action.

So this is how I plan to evolve over this next year...join me in as many ways as you find are part of your it diet, fitness, cleaning up your life and space or just growing...I will be part of your journey and you are part of mine...

From now on I know I have been given the gift of life...I have a second chance to express move forward...

From now on I will find ways to look ahead and keep going in that direction...

From now on I will be grateful that I have been given time to do the things I have put off or ignored...

From now on I will be ME...(see yesterday's blog---"this is me")

From now on I will evolve and become a better version of myself than I was the day before...

From now on I will take each day as a gift

From now on I will remember the warrior spirit and strength that got me through cancer and use it to forge through other trials in my life

From now on I will strive to be a light and not just live in the light...

From now on I will share my sparkle with love and not just by spreading glitter...

from now on I will shine from within...

from now on I will remember that love is a gift and I am worthy of that gift

from now on I will remember that the only person I am in competition with is myself....

from now on I will remember that my body is still healing and is not the same body I had 5 years ago so if I don't achieve as many calories burned in a workout, or don't push as hard IT IS OK.

from now on I will remember that deprivation is not necessary but moderation works for me...

from now on I will remember that God isn't done with me yet...He has more to show me and teach me and will continue to refine me...

from now on I will continue to use this blog as a forum for inspiration and change...and love

from now on I will remember that I am just me....and "me" is good enough...

Inspiration Song: "From Now On" from The Greatest Showman soundtrack. Yes I am obsessed with that movie and the music from it. But the words really resonate with me on this song about not being blinded by the light but to remember what matters...

Bye Darlings---what is your evolution going to be in 2018? Evolve, resolve, plan, set goals, reach out for more---but remember that you are YOU and a goal not achieved is not a just requires an adjustment in your planning...

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