Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Are you sick of me endlessly blogging about my "mommy makeover" yet? too...

but too get another one today...

But this is sort of a "show and tell" blog...complete with photos!

So I went to see my Fairy Godmother last week and she removed all the tapes covering my incisions and told me I could quit wearing the surgical bra...yippee!

I do sorta look like the Bride of Frankenstein...

So much so I have been practicing my hiss just like hers but I'm not sure I can ever manage the upright hair...

I'm cut from hip to hip...literally cut in half...

So here's the deal...I just assumed when she did the tummy tuck that she pulled the skin UP...

But noooooo...

so the day before my appointment I was checking myself out in the mirror (I do that a lot these days...I keep getting afraid that one day the image in the mirror will talk back to me like the Magic Mirror the Evil Queen had in Snow White...or that one day it will just CRACK because I am constantly staring into it)...anyhoo...

so I am staring in the mirror and I notice something...

the mole on my stomach...

that is right next to my "new" belly button

(I have to admit getting a "new" belly button was the one thing that gave me pause...because my belly button was, as strange and perverse as it sounds,  my connection to my mother as that WAS our connection when I was in utero...and maybe I am just a weird belly button person but that little connection seemed special...but WTH...I'd rather have no loose skin so off it went).

So I have this mole next to my belly button and I am thinking...where did this come from?

Then it dawns on me...

It used to be higher up...

and I notice the scar from the laparascope from my gall bladder removal is now...

4 inches LOWER


So I check the photo I took of myself the night before surgery and sure enough that mole has moved down 4 inches.

I told the doc to check out my before photos and she said it was a great indication of how much skin she took and how they don't just take the stuff from the bottom where it is droopy but she took that and then PULLED DOWN the skin...

4 inches...

That's a lot...

Now I would post those photos here but they are rather graphic and it seems a bit gross...but if you are considering doing this surgery, message me and I can send them to you privately to give you an idea of what happens.

Now why did she need to take so much skin off...

OK, so let's revisit the "old" me...the "before" me...and when I say "before" I mean the FAT me...

Yup...there I all my big girl glory...

Those photos were taken the summer of 2009.  I didn't start my diet until March 2010.

The first photo was taken at Zion National Park.

The second photo was taken on the top of a nuclear submarine.  I almost didn't fit down the hole you have to go down to get inside.  Going down and coming back up were terrifying.

So yeah...I look like I am pregnant with triplets...but sadly my last baby had been born 11 years before that photo was taken...

That is what 300 pounds looks like...

So now...drum roll please....

Here is the NEW me...this photo was taken on January 12...

And these were taken 1-22-13

The first photo is  a side view...and yes I have my super spanxy compression garment on...but I'm not "sucking in"...this is how it is...yay!

This next view is front with compression garment on:

This photo I have removed the compression garment...but I'm not "sucking in"

So I am pretty happy with the results and I"m looking forward to seeing how it all turns out once the swelling is gone...and without the compression garment.

And for some crazy reason I am more swollen this week than last but from the research I have done that is "normal"...whatever "normal" is...

I know I sure as heck am not nor will ever be "normal"...

And I am fine with that...

I'm so glad I finally had the courage to do this surgery and not keep waiting...I had a lot of excuses about waiting but finally I just had to do it.

I was tired of waiting...

I was tired of the loose skin...

I was tired of looking in the mirror and seeing the sad fat girl looking back at me.

So I did it...

So now that I have had the may ask: "what next?" or "what now?"

What next and what now my life to stay looking and feeling good.

So as soon as I can I will be back to the gym...I am desperately missing JayVee's spin to the point I cry when she sends me her playlist and I really want to just go and WATCH it because I miss it so I think I would have a grand time yelling at my friends Tamster and CuteChristine and Jackie Blue and April Showers to "crank up that tension" while I sit on a stability ball.

They would hate me...

I would love it...

I have at least 2 more spin classes on Tuesdays that I can't go to so I might just have to do it.

And I miss Body Pump with J'taime do I miss that.  And it's going to kill me to go back to it because I have not been able to lift a darn thing heavier than my little cat so I will have to go back to really light weight when I start back.  I lift like a that will be super hard on me.

Even harder I can't imagine doing crunches or planking or doing push ups...

That will take a lot of time and work to get back into as well.

But as soon as Dr. Baldwin says "go" I plan to...even if it means I can't finish a spin class (at least I would START it), or can't lift but half of what I usually do with biceps (at least I am lifting) or if I have to beg off doing things at SuperSally's Boot Camp (she totally knows and gets it) I am GOING TO TRY and do whatever I can without putting my recovery in jeopardy...

I CAN'T WAIT TO SWEAT!  And I mean on a bike or lifting weight and NOT because of this stupid compression garment.

And after all, the first time I decide to exercise in almost a decade (when I started my diet) I got on the elliptical and did an hour.

I did not throw up...but I did want to die...

A week later I did an hour and a half....that time I did throw up..but I didn't want to die.

I'm a pretty determined byatch when I set my mind to it...but I also need to listen to my body and I promise you I will...

For now, since I can't do much more than "stroll" or sit on my stability ball, I am eating right and trying to be as good and clean with my food as I can.

I still eat a lot of soup...and thankfully I don't have a huge appetite.  I try and eat salmon for at least 4 meals each week and I'm good with eating a lot of veggies and brown rice.

No real desserts...just a lot of fruit...or Tasti Delite...

And I will continue to work out and eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle albeit one that includes red wine (not so bad for you) and dirty vodka martinis (ok that is bad for me but a girl has to have a vice or two...or 12...or 20...just count it as one of my "few" vices...remember Ke$ha Barbie can be Satan and I have to watch The Cutest Boy in the World wrestle).

And I will enjoy having this new body that I worked hard for and paid a lot of $ for...but I also will no longer have any excuses to not look or feel good about myself.

And lest you think I am going to end up looking like "Mama Elsa" from "The Real Housewives of Miami" (Google her...please please google her...and google "before" pictures...) or Cher or Joan Rivers I can promise you that won't happen.

I do regularly have poison shot into my forehead (Botox) so I don't look mad all the time but I don't plan to let anyone, even the amazing fairy godmother Dr. Baldwin is, put a scalpel to my face...

Ok, maybe I shouldn't say "never" because...well, you NEVER KNOW...

but at least in the short the foreseeable future...I do not plan to have any more plastic surgery.

Instead I will keep taking care of my body...use my Mary Kay Timewise stuff on my face...get some Botox when I start looking like I might shoot someone...exercise right...pray hard...drink red wine when it is appropriate...drink vodka when Ke$ha Barbie tells me something crazy...and love my children, my friends, and my life...

And maybe...down the road...when I find me a wonderful sweet man who drives a big ass truck who can look beyond scars and sees the woman INSIDE but likes the outside too I might rock a bikini in the hot tub...and if he doesn't tell me I look "awesome and amazing" I will do my best Bride of Frankenstein hiss....

And trust me...

I can do it...

Inspiration Song: "Afterlife" by Switchfoot.  A song JayVee introduced me to (introduced to her by her fabulous and amazing husband who I would gladly steal from her if I didn't love her...yes, he drives a big ass truck and has blue eyes...I call him "The Hunk").  I love that song...just like I love JayVee and the Hunk.  It is my "power" that gets me to feel really good about life and moving forward...about living my best life...about not waiting...

some lyrics:
Every day, a choice is made,Every day I choose my fateAnd i wonder "why would I wait 'til I die to come alive?" To come alive?Every day, every day, every day I still feel the same,And I wonder "why would I wait 'til I die to come alive?"I'm ready now I'm not waiting for the afterlife


Bye in the now...don't wait for the afterlife...I am in my afterlife...and I'm glad I didn't wait

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Barbie Girl

I can hear the groans now...those of you familiar with the song...because just like me it is most likely annoying running non-stop in your head.

"Barbie Girl" is not a song you want running in your head.

I was hesitant to use it for a blog because after all it HAS to be among the Top 10 Worst Songs of All Time (along with "Muskrat Love", "The Pina Colada Song" and several other songs that are pure dreckitude).

Ke$ha Barbie used to love that song...I let her listen to it until I listened closely to the's not a nice girl song...

Luckily she was still at the age where she mixed up song lyrics all the

(From "Sandra Dee" from the musical "Grease")
Ke$ha Barbie's "lyrics": "Would you put a cat in a net?"
Actual lyrics: "would you pull that crap with Annette?"

She also thought "Baby One More Time' was a nice girl song...until she saw the video...

But I'm not talking about song lyrics today...I'm talking about...




or rather how Barbie makes us feel.

Now I am a HUGE Barbie fan.  I have always LOVED LOVED LOVED Barbie.  I played with my Barbies until I was probably too old to play with my Barbies.  I bought Ke$ha Barbie her own Barbies but she never liked them at all.  She liked her Beanie Babies.  I loved Barbie and wanted a Barbie Girl daughter for my own...

And that is part of the reason I named her Ke$ha Barbie...

She did play a bit with them.  She dressed them up a bit but I always took the shoes away...I lived in fear of Barbie Shoes.  I was terrified that The Cutest Boy in the World was going to eat one.

Ke$ha Barbie knew that I always threw them away.

Once we went to New York and we were in the Barbie department at FAO Schwarz and they had a fantastic Barbie Shoe fountain was like a lava lamp made of Barbie Shoes.  Ke$ha Barbie pointed it out to my mother and said "Watch out Nona!  Mommy is going to FREAK OUT when she sees this!!!!"

I did literally shudder when I saw the fountain...and then I sat mesmerized and watched all those Barbie stilletos float around in the water...and then we went into the Barbie store there and I was in HEAVEN.

I'll admit it to you...I am a 48 year old woman who would still play with Barbies if I could...and I have my beautiful Malibu Barbie who lives on my nightstand that MarvelousMargaret gave to me this summer (a truly amazing gift from an amazing friend).

To continue with my obsession that I am insisting you share with me, I want you to feast your eyes on those beautiful illustrations by Mattel Barbie designer Robert Best.  For you Project Runway fans out there he was on Season 3 I think...he has my dream job...getting to dress up Barbie all day long.

And I totally would doll myself up in any of these beautiful gowns if I was given the chance...and a lot of hair extensions...

And then there is this one...not a Robert Best but I very much dig her...

In my dreams I look like these Barbies...all perfectly shaped and glamorous and perfectly coiffed and with the ability to wear daring scary high heels for hours on end...

But now that I AM a Barbie girl...with the new figure and all I might just dress up as Barbie for Halloween this year...

I will go as Middle Aged Wrestling Mom Who Wants to be Glamorous and Date a Man Who Drives a Big Ass Truck Barbie...

I'm just not sure how I will get into that tiny little 8 inch dress...

But all joking aside...there is another side to all of this....

Like I said before...

How Barbie makes us feel

Because as much as I love Barbie and as much as I wanted Ke$ha Barbie to love her too and want to play with her, once she started to get older I wondered what kind of message Barbie was sending to my daughter...

Well not Barbie but rather Mattel...and the general public...

Barbie is held as one of the ideal beauties...she has flawless skin, an enviable figure that no real woman can attain, mountains of blonde perfect hair that always holds its curl and stays perfectly styled and she can wear anything and has feet that are shaped perfectly for stilettos...

And she is an astronaut architect doctor lawyer runway model fashion designer President of the United States...

I think she has also won gold medals at the Olympics and saved the world more than a few times.

NO ONE is that perfect...

or that talented

or has the energy to do all of that...

So in reality, did I really want my daughter to admire a plastic doll with an unattainable body and arms that don't really bend?  (How can you be an astronaut if you can't bend your arms?)

Ke$ha Barbie has the hair...and the huge blue doe eyes...and she only stands 5 foot tall but she has a pretty cute figure and to me she is perfectly perfect (when she is not being Satan) and is as beautiful as any girl can be...and prettier than Barbie...

But I don't want her to ever think that Barbie is the ideal beauty...I think there are way more beautiful women to admire than Barbie...

My mother...
My aunts...
My sisters...
My sister in law (mother of my Bella Bella...and yes, Bella Bella is far more beautiful)
My precious nieces
My cousin's wives
My girlfriends
and then you have your usual suspects like Olivia Wilde, Beyonce, Jessica Chastain, etc...

And I'm not sure what message I sent to her 2 weeks ago when I had plastic surgery to turn me into a semi-replica of Barbie...basically turning me into "She Used to be FAT But Now is Improved by Surgery Barbie".

I thought long and hard about it...and sorta feared she would ask when she could have a boob job (thankfully she didn't and the answer will be "when you can pay for it yourself").  

Was I telling her that perfection is what one must attain?
(not that I am anywhere close to perfect...but I am improved)

Was I telling her that "better" wasn't "good enough"?

Was I telling her that bigger breasts and a flat belly mean "pretty" and that smaller breasts and a bit of extra skin are not?

Was I showing her that when you don't like something about yourself you just go and change it with surgery?

Trust me...this all went through my head and still does...

But lucky for me she barely flinched and seemed to take it in stride.  And when she is not being Satan she has a pretty good head on her shoulders...

So as blissfully happy as I am with my new body I do have a part of me that questions whether I was trying to achieve some ideal that I may never get to...

I know I am not trying to please a man because:
1) there is no man to please
2) most men don't think Barbie is all that hot...they realize SHE IS A DOLL

So am I trying to be a doll?

And after thinking on this quite some time I have come to the conclusion that even though I hold Barbie as one sort of ideal of beauty the REAL REASON I did this was not to look like her or to attain some sort of perfection but rather to exorcise the demon of the fat girl and to find my confidence within myself to make the OUTSIDE MATCH THE INSIDE of how I felt...

yes, I am vain...

yes, I want to be pretty...

But inside I feel like a hot sexy pretty girl and I decided to do something to make the outside look like the way I felt...

So yeah...

I'm  a Barbie Girl...

and I'm ok with it...


Inspiration Song: "Barbie Girl" by of the most annoying songs ever...but like the song says, "life in's fantastic!"...and yeah, I now am "made of plastic" so to speak...and you know what...every time I look in the mirror...IT'S FANTASTIC!

Bye Darlings...Beauty is not a plastic doll...Beauty is INSIDE OF YOU...find that inner beauty and the rest will follow...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Feel Fine

So...I feel fine...

Actually I feel pretty damn good but I can't find a song called "pretty damn good" so this will do...

I feel SOOOOO good in fact...that today I haven't even taken a Tylenol or Advil...


not one...

Didn't need it yesterday either but then I had a headache in the middle of the afternoon so I popped a Tylenol.  It wasn't the boobs or the tummy...literally just a headache and I think it was a combo of the weather and that I really haven't had much caffeine...

Last night KuteKaren took me out to dinner.

Before dinner I popped an Advil to make sure I didn't end up in pain in the middle of our it was a prophylactic dose nothing more...and really I think the dirty martini I had would have done the trick anyway...

And yes, I had doctor's permission...

although I think I was playing fast and loose with it.

She called to check on me Friday afternoon and I asked her if it was ok that I went out to dinner and she said "no can even have a glass of wine".

So I did...

She didn't say "martini" (Dirty Tito's...Tito's is the bomb!  And I have always been a STOLI girl...)but I figured since I wasn't driving or taking Vicodin I could risk it.

So KuteKaren and I went to Segari's for dinner...I love it because it is so old school yet the food is know the kind of place where you can still get a great steak and shrimp cocktail.

So that's what I had...actually I had a crab claw and shrimp cocktail with my martini and a very rare filet with a side of sauteed veggies with my cabernet...

And a slice of coconut meringue pie...

Yeah, I went all out...but between the good food and the good company my cabin fever was cured and I felt great through dinner and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

The only thing that was difficult at all was figuring out what to wear...

Because you see I have these terrible sexy and flattering compression garments to wear 24/ basically a spanx that goes from just under my bra down to my knees and a bra that makes a nursing bra look like something sexy from Victoria's Secret.

The bottom part was pants from Lucy...

The top was took 3 tries until I found one that wasn't too low cut or cut to wide at the neck to show the's like a super sports bra that comes up high and has straps that are very wide.  Hard to hide.

I began to worry that maybe it was not so much the bra as my wardrobe...I mean it's not like EVERYTHING in my closet is low cut or wide in the neck but last night it seemed so.

so this may prove to be my biggest challenge of to wear normal clothes...while rocking these extremely hot (and not in the good way) and very unsexy undergarments...

Dr. Baldwin said that after next week I could start wearing a soft bra or camisole with a shelf underwires for a while and a sports bra could be hard to get off and on.  I still have to wear the surgical bra to bed for support but that's easy because I don't care what I am wearing to bed right now...

I told her I couldn't wait to try on some of my old clothes when my swelling goes away...she sweetly said I was going to enjoy that and I will.  I joked with her that I just might wear a cocktail dress to her office at my 6 week visit.

She told me to do it.

I think I will...

After all it will still be coat season...I can hide it under a coat...and for me it is a celebration..

Every visit to her is a celebration...she is my fairy godmother after all and who doesn't love their fairy godmother?

Today I have had it easy...and I have taken it easy...I've mostly just stayed in bed finishing up my marathon of Downton Abbey.  I can't wait until tomorrow to watch the new season...

And if you want to borrow my DVD's I am making a list of those who want to borrow it so just let me's excellent...

So I have stayed in bed most of the day except when J'taime Jamie (I know I keep spelling that wrong!) came to see me and we had a great visit...but it makes me miss her spin class and barbell class all the more....

The wardrobe was easy too...JayVee gave me some awesome flannel pajama bottoms (in pink and black plaid with shiny silver...soooooo me!!!!) to wear for Christmas so I have schlepped around in those all day with a Lucy t-shirt...and the fuzzy socks she gave me that match...

I still can't stand up straight but I don't care...and I still have to wrestle the compression garment back on all the time but I don't care...and I still can't pick up my cat but I don't care...

I feel so fine that it just doesn't matter.

And maybe tomorrow when D'nice comes over I will have her take a few photos to share with you...

But all of this got me to thinking about why I didn't do it sooner...

And there are several reasons:
didn't want to wear hot compression garments in the summer
didn't want to not be able to swim and sun outside because of the garments and scarring
didn't want to ruin my kids summer vacation

more importantly:
by Dr. Baldwin's advice I wanted to be in the BEST shape possible
I wanted to be at or as close to my goal weight as I could and STAY THERE for several months

But the biggest reason I put it off:


I was afraid of it...the pain, the cutting, the downtime, the worry I was being selfish, the money, the fact I have to be away from the gym for 6 weeks...

lots and lots of FEAR

And it held me back

But I have learned something from this experience...


Now I'm not saying fear is a bad thing....fear of gaining weight is why I am eating super clean and healthy...

and some fears are when you look into a murky lake and think "maybe I shouldn't dive in there" or when you have had a few too many glasses of wine and you think "maybe I shouldn't drive"

yes, those are GOOD fears...

But fear of the unknown (when you can do some research about it) and fear of something hurting or being uncomfortable can hold you back.

I can tell you that it is a hell of a lot more uncomfortable to ask for a seat belt extender and fly squashed in a coach seat than this has been...because I used to have to do that...

I let my fear of the pain keep me from doing this...

and now as I sit here pretty much pain free and having taken no drugs today (except for the pleasure drug that is Downton Abbey) I feel fine...

So don't let fear keep you from doing something you want to do...

Now lest you worry that your friend here has become totally fearless and will show up at the club pool in a bikini I can assure you that that will only happen if I lose a really bad bet...but I am going to use this experience to explore and try more things in my life...

who knows...I might even ask for you to suggest challenges for me when I am all healed up...

(and no, wearing a bikini to the club pool is off the table)

but I guess what I am saying here is don't let fear stop you...I almost did and I wouldn't end up in this happy feeling fine...hell feeling GREAT place I am right now.

And if you are or message me...I will hold your hand...I'm pretty good at that actually...and by this I don't necessarily mean plastic surgery...I mean fear doing anything...losing weight, trying a class at the gym, exploring an exercise, trying a new get the picture...

And if you want to feel REALLY or message me and I will give you Dr. Baldwin's info...because I am pretty sure that she is a real fairy godmother...and I will share her...

So I'm good...thanks for all the prayers and well wishes...I can't run a marathon or do a spin class but I can walk across the house pretty good and shower easily and get out of bed with no assistance (and have been for quite some time).

My mother is smiling from heaven.  She had a tummy tuck and had her boobs done...a few times I think.

One of her dearest friends, CuteCarolyn, told me that my mom was so crazy that after her tummy tuck she got on the roller coaster at the Kleberg County Fair and rode it with us!  Now that roller coaster may not be "Space Mountain" or "The Rockin Roller Coaster" or "The Texas Cyclone" but in any case it was a wild ride.

And my Mommy...and her compression garments...did it...

Now that is some inspiration...

but I will tell you I WOULD fear doing it...but you know...given the chance...I just might...

Inspiration Song: "I Feel Fine" by the know it but you might not remember it unless you hear it...they were the most awesome band opinion...

Bye Darlings...I feel fine...really I learn from me and don't let fear hold you might have something awesome in your future if you just let go and DO IT!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Week

Today as I write this I am off the anything crazy I say is just me being crazy and not the effect of drugs...

Ok so it's been ONE WEEK since the surgery...the "mommy lift"...the tummy tuck and boob job...

Yeah, I am an open book...not many secrets here...

Do I regret it?


Not even when:
I ended up allergic to the pain meds and I itched more than I hurt
I had to drag around drains and they were gross...and empty them...even grosser...
I realized that the torture chamber device (compression garment) is worse than spanx
I figured out that you have to be a contortionist to get in and out of the compression garment and it is not fun when you need to pee...
that I was informed today that I have to wear that garment 24/7 for 6 weeks
I am forced to sleep on my back even though I am a fetal side sleeper
I try to force myself to stand up straight but realize I can't
the pain meds slowed my gut down (ok, maybe that is TMI...but consider it a warning...)
the doctor removed the horrid drains and it felt like an alien crawling out of me
I couldn't shower until the drains came out
I ended up with tape burns because my skin is sensitive to surgical tape

So yeah, that has been the only downside to this...

I cried in Dr. Baldwin's office again today...I told her that she had given me back the "me" I had hidden for so long...the me that was buried...the me that had once turned to food instead of fitness...she and the nurse started crying too...I told her she was my fairy godmother again...and if you need a fairy godmother I have her magic needed...she is AMAZING!

And I told her that even with the swelling, and even with my boobs still high up (they have to "drop"...I am learning all kinds of new things about breast me if you want details because I'm gonna spare everyone else here...), and even with my bikini line looking like an old map of Route 66 that I felt beautiful...

For the first time...

in like...


But here's the deal...

It's not a flat belly and perky "Baywatch Babe" boobs that make a woman beautiful...and just another aside here---don't panic...I did not go all "Pamela Anderson" on myself...I'm just a full "c" my clothes I won't look any different than before...just minus the heavily padded Victoria's Secret bra

No it's not being skinny...or looking like a Victoria's Secret Angel (because I am neither) that makes is the inner beauty...

And for me I have always tried to be more beautiful on the inside than the outside...

I don't always succeed...far from it...good grief I am on Santa's naughty list every 3rd day...but I TRY to be good...I TRY to be an inner beauty...

I had a male friend tell me "you are already will be stunning...but it's your inner beauty that I love the most"...

awww...isn't he sweet?

yes, those are some very great words to get me through this...and I have held on to the last part...the inner beauty part to help me get through...and to stay focused on why I did this...

So like I said before, I was just trying to fix the outside parts that made me sad...that reminded me of the fat miserable girl...

For me it was an exorcism...and she's gone...and now I will spend the rest of my life keeping this body I worked so hard to get.

Because 90% of it was my diet and was just this 10% damage that no amount of planks, or lifts, or spin classes were going to get rid of...and frankly I just wanted that girl GONE.

Now lest you think that I only find beauty in skinny woman...well, you would be wrong...

some of the most beautiful women I know are not a size 2...or 4...or 6...or even 16...

I have one friend...let's call her Victorius...when we were teens she was overweight...and still drop dead gorgeous...and now as an adult she has conquered that weight...and is still drop dead gorgeous...because she is gorgeous inside...

I have another dear names...who makes me so proud because she is trying her best to conquer her weight problem.  She is a stunning woman.  Skinny or overweight she is stunning.  I pale next to her.  But I want her healthy...and so does she.  She has had a hard year...this year she will end the year as a healthy woman...and to that I will cheer her on...but her inner beauty is beyond compare no matter what her size...

When I told GOTT I wanted to lose weight he said "why?"

I said "because I want to be beautiful"

He said "you already are"

Yes, I love that man as much as a woman can love a man she is not married or related to...he is my brother and "second husband"...and for those words alone I will love him totally...

After he said "you already are", I said "ok, because I want to be healthy"

And he said "I can get behind have my support"

And I had it every step of the way...and when GOTTESS came over and brought me goodies the other night I felt so very lucky I had the love of that family to lift me up...

I have had a lot of help to get through this...being a single woman is not easy when you need help to get up and get across the thankfully I had my housekeeper to do that for me...and Twirler Girl the first night I was home...

I thought Ke$ha Barbie was going to help but she has spent her break as she should...visiting with friends and having fun...not playing Florence Nightengale to her mother...and that's fine...

People have brought me meals and food: GOTTESS, Marvelous Margaret, MarvelousMelisa, my Aunt Jane...

and Tamster and JayVee came to see me to make me laugh and Tamster took me to the doctor today...

I'm so lucky to have incredible very very lucky...

You can't do this can't be sliced across 60% of your midsection and have your muscles pulled cut and pulled in and have your boobs pulled up and stuffed with fake ones and a little lipo of the inner thigh without a lot of good help...and I have had it...

And I will never be able to thank them enough...or to thank all of you enough for all the well wishes and prayers...

I told my Dr. Baldwin today that I did this to myself...well actually SHE did it with my permission...but I chose to do this...

I didn't have an accident that caused me to have a spleen removed...

and I didn't have breast cancer that caused me to have breast reconstruction...

I GOT MYSELF FAT...I GOT MYSELF THIN...and I chose to remove the damage...

So I don't feel sorry for myself with the pain, or any of the "problems" I have had...because on a scale of 1-10 on how much a pain in this ass this has been I am at a "4" right now...

Now next week when I am climbing the walls to go to spin class I might say "5" but today I am at "4"

So at one week I got to shower...and on Saturday I can drive again....and I'm off the Vicodin except for bedtime (doctor said go a few more days)...and I can lay on my side for a few minutes before falling asleep...and the drains are gone...and the compression garment is not fun but manageable...

So yeah...I'm at a 4 on how much trouble this has been....

Which is a hell of a lot better than feeling like I'm a "4" on the 1-10 scale of "hotness"...because outside now I feel like a "7" and heading towards "8" but inside...


I'm a "10"...

Because I love my life...I love my family and friends...I love my doctor...I love my new body...and I love what this new year has to bring me...

Yeah, it's all good...

Let's make that an "11"...

to hell with the scale...that one and the one in my bathroom....

Inspiration Song: "One Week" by Barenaked little song...a lot can happen in one week...

Bye Darlings...I've had a week to recover...and I feel fine!