So it's Thanksgiving...
I just re-read my blog from a year much has changed...but not the things I am thankful for and that is a very good feeling.
I may be getting divorced but I am grateful for my soon-to-be-ex husband because he gave me the 2 greatest kids ever. But I am also grateful that I had the courage to move on with my life without him...and as weird as it sounds, that is a good feeling too...
I am so thankful for my kids...they amaze me each and every day...they bring my life purpose and give me great joy as I watch them grow and become such fantastic humans...and that is a very good feeling indeed.
I am thankful that Ke$ha Barbie has found a direction for her schooling. I think we found a good school (I have a good feeling about Boston) but we are also going to NYC to look at another school...I have a good feeling about that school but not so much about her living there...but that is just the nervous and overprotective mama in me.
I am thankful that my beautiful daughter has the amazing artistic talents she has. They will be the ticket to her future and I can't help but feel good about that and so very proud.
I am so grateful for my son's amazing abilities...he is a great little athlete and an excellent student. And he has the cutest personality ever. We are in wrestling season (ugh...not a good feeling to watch) but my "happy place" is that lacrosse season is coming up in the spring...which also means we will know where he is going to high school.
The Cutest Boy in the World going to high school...scary feeling there...
I am so grateful and thankful for all of my friends. I couldn't have made it through this year without them. Some of my friends have had to really help me through some stuff...some of it fun, some of it painful...but they are always there when I need them and that is a good feeling indeed.
I am grateful for Oprah...but I am not so happy her show is over. But it was a good feeling to go to her show...
I am thankful for AngelAmy making me apply for the show...but more than that she has continued to prove why she has such an important place in my life. AngelAmy has been getting me out of trouble for many many years...and she will for the years to come. And Twirler Girl is right there with her...and when I am with them it is always a good time and that is a good feeling!
GOTT and GOTTESS (and GOTTSON) are my family by choice. GOTTESS gave me the BEST BIRTHDAY CARD ever this perfectly sums up our relationship. She is more than my sister-wife (as we jokingly call each other)...she is truly my friend. And GOTT is my brother by choice...and if not for him I would often fall apart. I love him as much as any woman can love a man who is not her significant other or brother. And GOTTSON brings me joy each and every time I am with him. It is a good feeling to have a family that you love by choice...
D'nice and KuteKaren not only gave me a birthday party the other night...they continued to show why I am so very lucky to call them "friend"...they are so good to me. KuteKaren baked me a cake and D'nice opened her home...and they both open their heart to me all the time. That is a very good feeling...
What would I do without my Dimples? I am grateful for him every day. He has shredded over 50 pounds off me since this time last year and he has carved my arms and back and legs into looking pretty darn good for a woman who just celebrated the anniversary of her 25th birthday. But more than that he is like a little brother to me...and he makes me laugh...and he doesn't judge me for my foolish mistakes...and he keeps me going. Being with him is always a balancing act of a good feeling (the fun I have when we train) and a bad feeling (lifting the damn weights)...but is is always fun and good...
And I have my JayVee....she has become such a dear and darling friend to much more than just my spin instructor. She has held my hand, given me advice, dried my tears and cared for me greatly. And her hunky husband is the sweetest man...and he cooks for me and gives me the best hugs when I need them. Being with her is always a good feeling.
And my J'taime Jamie...again, more than a spin instructor...she is my sunshine...good feeling indeed. Her encouragement is amazing...
I have a friend I will call Kryptonite...he's been a good friend and has taught me a lot...nuff said...and when I am with him it is always a good feeling because he is a good friend...
My lawyer...he's gonna keep the good feelings coming...that's all I'm saying about that...and I am grateful for him...
My sweet friend Gorgeous Girl (Robin R that is you!) has become such a dear to me this past year...she is gorgeous and amazing...and has offered a hand to hold when I need it...good feeling...
I am grateful to Blue Eyed Babe for telling Ke$ha Barbie all about Boston. She had us both feeling good the day we met up with her. Ke$ha Barbie won't listen to me but she will listen to her...and for that I am very grateful.
Trainer Girl has become my little sister...she helped me cook and clean today...and I am thankful for her being in my life...from the little things she does (like cutting my son's hair on the lacrosse field sidelines) to the big (holding me when I have cried my eyes out)...she's good stuff...
All the kids at school give me good feelings all the time...I watch them grow and do their stuff with pride...and I love them. Same with the amazing teachers. I wouldn't trade my "job" for anything in the world. Last week I got an email from a former student that made all the hours I put in working last year totally worth it. email did that...and it was a great feeling to read it...
And then there is my wonderful Aunt Jane and all my aunts and uncles and my brother and my sisters and my sister in them all so much...
I'm sure I am forgetting people I am grateful please forgive me...
There are "things" I am grateful for but they aren't as important as people. The people in my life keep me going...things don't.
I have learned a lot this year about how much I need my friends...and who is really my friend. And what a good friend is...and I am blessed to have a lot of good friends. And that is the best feeling...
So count your blessings...and the people who ARE those blessings...I have...and it was a very good feeling to do so.
Inspiration Song: Good Feeling by Flo Rida...doesn't have anything to do with what I have said here but it is a great song to work out to!
Bye Darlings...I am grateful that you read this...that is a good feeling! xoxoxo
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