Gonna start out by saying I was going to write a blog about something else and was gonna use a Backstreet Boys song as the title...but I got sidetracked by a photo and changed my mind...but never fear the BB's will make an appearance...or maybe that should scare you a bit...
In any case I was checking out Facebook the other day and I noticed this GORGEOUS photo of my friend DivineDawn. She had changed her profile pic and it stopped me dead in my tracks.
Now DivineDawn is one of those stop-you-in-your-tracks pretty girls...her whole family is (yes, even her mama and don't get me started on her kids or husband)...and I should really hate her because she is not only pretty in person but...
le sigh...
I am NOT photogenic (and please please do not think I am seeking some sort of affirmation here how nice my profile pics are...it takes about 5000 for one to even resemble me...my face doesn't photograph well).
DivineDawn looks good in person and digitally...
But in reality it is not a physical thing so much...it's her smile...
she smiles with her whole face...
like Tyra says...she "smizes"...(smiles with her eyes)...
But it's not even that...it's that her beautiful heart is evident.
She's gorgeous on the outside but truly stunning on the inside.
The first time I met her I knew she was a beautiful person...
yes, she is...
I have a lot of friends like that...I would say all of you are...because if I am to count you among my friends I have to LIKE you and I like beautiful people...and by beautiful I mean the INSIDE is pretty.
I have this friend I have told you about before...Glamazon...she is another "stop you in your tracks" beauties...she has the smile that is killer...gorgeous eyes...and she is 6 ft tall...
She looks like a model...she should have been a model...
But her true beauty is her faith and love...and lucky for me I get to have that...
Some beauty is unconventional...
Like my sister KK...she has a lot of tattoos and her hair is usually some sort of shade of blue or green...and she is a tiny bird of a person...but she is a colorful bird and she has the sweetest heart...I don't think I have ever seen her be mean to anyone...
And my sister SuSu is as gorgeous as Julia Roberts (and kinda looks like her) but she rarely wears makeup...or at least not the bordering-on-drag-queen amounts I do. She is just naturally pretty...and she is the best mommy...and not a mean bone in her body either.
I've told you how beautiful my aunt Jane is...anyone who knows her knows she is as beautiful as any model...because she is so gorgeous inside. She's not the typical pretty when you see her...but then she smiles and laughs and you see that true beauty...
My children are beautiful...I won't even try to describe how beautiful I think they are. Even when Ke$ha Barbie is behaving Satan-like she is still pretty..just a pretty little demon...and The Cutest Boy in the World is just that...the cutest boy in the world.
My friend JayVee is a pretty girl. So is her daughter. Her whole family is incredibly attractive. But she has a heart that makes her gorgeous and that heart got her her husband I call "The Hunk" and her kids are stunning because their parents taught them how to be beautiful on the inside. Her daughter SweetKass is so pretty sometimes I just stare at her eyelashes and pretty eyes and she just is the sweetest thing...and I don't even get scared when she gets her scary dental instruments near me (she is studying to be a dental hygienist...she will be popular).
When I laid eyes on my friend TonyFab I knew he was a beautiful person just by looking at him..and yes, I was quite right about that...(darling I have to figure out a way to see you...)
My friend Mr. Gorgeous (MLS...yes, you my darling that I went through school and you now live in NYC) is prettier than me...inside and out...you can tell it the second you lay eyes on him...my daughter wants him and his partner to adopt her (I won't let you dear...I love you too much)
My dearest friends D'Nice and KuteKaren are beautiful woman...and I love it when we get to be silly girls together because we have so much love for each other...KuteKaren's husband is a very patient man with us...thank you RoyBoy for putting up with your wife and "the nices..."
And TwirlerGirl...with her beautiful hair and beautiful smile and beautiful children is a stunner too...because she always has the heart to listen to another person...
And even though I have never met her, I think Jenny Lawson (The Bloggess...thebloggess.com) is a stunner...because she is a really pretty girl on the outside but her openness and willingness to share her struggles with depression and anxiety with the rest of us makes her more gorgeous than Heidi Klum. Some day I hope I get to meet that very beautiful woman.
I could go on and on and on about all the beautiful people in my life and I will surely leave someone out...I know I will so I better stop before I hurt someone's feelings...
This may seem all rather oxymoronic of me to talk about beauty when I went under the knife last Xmas to vainly remove my unwanted flesh and add a bit more to another part of myself, and yes, I do love me some poison in my face to stop the wrinkles...and yes, I am vain and have a Sephora store in my bathroom to prove it, but all that surgery has made me come to realize what beauty is. I needed that surgery to remove what I considered a very ugly part of myself---the unhappy fat girl---but it didn't make me beautiful...it just made it easier to wear jeans and look better in camisoles.
My mother was stunning. Really truly beautiful. But sadly inside she had her struggles and she always thought by having someone wield a scalpel or needle and "fixing" her that she would be more beautiful and make her happy. She needed to find her inner beauty and I don't think she really ever did because the outside did not need fixing at all...I found a photo of her at 20 with her natural hair color and before any nose jobs or surgery and she was so beautiful I cried. I loved my mother with all of my heart and I hope I have learned not just how to put on mascara but how to find my true beauty...even if she never saw it in herself. My mother was a very nice and loving person, but part of really being beautiful is finding yourself...and being happy with yourself. Even if you aren't perfect...
I guess the bottom line is that to me beauty is not in the eye of the beholder but rather in the heart.
If your heart is beautiful, you will be beautiful. It may not always be by society's standards...and maybe no magic mirror would proclaim you "the fairest in all the land", but if you are beautiful inside then the outside will reflect it.
And if you are a good person who gives a damn what a magic mirror says...I've never met a mirror I really liked anyway...
Inspiration Song: "Beautiful People" by Chris Brown. No lets not get our hate on because he is not a beautiful person for what he did to Rhianna...but the man can sing and make good music and I was sad to hear today he says he is going to quit the music business because people can't get past what he did. I am in no way condoning his awful behavior but I do like the beats he puts out...but I am betting he won't quit...
Bye Darlings...be...BEAUTIFUL! And thank you DivineDawn for being my inspiration...in many many ways...
I love all of you very beautiful people who read this blog and support me...no go and be beautiful to others...you did your job here by reading.