Tuesday, January 3, 2012

King of Pain

Have I shared with you how much I love my trainer I like to call "Dimples"...

yeah...I thought so...

Right now me no likey Dimples...

I usually luuuurrrrvvv him....but today...notsomuch...

Cause he has a new title:

King of Pain

Yeah, he earned it fair and square.

It's what he did yesterday to me that makes me want to change his name permanently from Dimples to King of Pain. But once the soreness goes away I will probably be happy to call him Dimples again.

But right now...he's King of Pain...

So yesterday before I had my delightful little playdate with my bella Bella, I had a workout with Dimples.

He decided I needed to do some squats with the weight lifting bar.

The REAL DEAL one...you know, the ones that all the grunting guys at the gym use.

or football players...

or dumbass women who listen to their trainers...

Not one on one of those sliding rack things...nope, this one is the one where you get under the bar (thank goodness it was padded) and squat down...lift up...step forward to release it from the little hook things and then go to town on the squats.

We started with 55 pounds because that is what I load my bar up with for Body Pump.

No problem...

I do that for 5 minutes twice a week in Body Pump...that is when I am actually being taught Body Pump and not some archaic aerobics class by some crazy guy that wants me to grapevine with weights in my hands.

So in Body Pump the "tracks" (a song) are usually 5 minutes long and you squat away.

Like I said...no problem...

So I do 10 or so with the 55 pounds on...

So he says "let's do more"...


so he adds some weight...

I tell him:
"Don't tell me what you put on until I am done"

So I get under the bar and start squatting.

No problemo...

75 pounds...

hmmm....not so bad...

he decides to be cute and loads it again...

I think it was 100...

um...that hurt a little but I managed to do 10 very easily.

He gets a little grin...and yes, flashes the dimples...I remind him not to tell me what it was...

I do 10...not easy but not un-doable...


yes, I typed that right...115 freakin' pounds on my back while I squatted...

I was proud and terrified at the same time.

He informs me that a high school boy I know can barely do it but does...

And then the King of Pain makes me do a second round...of 10...

the pad slipped and the dang thing almost fell off but we got it back under control and I finished.

He told me my glutes were gonna talk to me today...

No Baby, they aren't talking...

They are YELLING...

my butt hurts...and it hurts to sit.

Probably didn't help that I did Body Pump again last night (with the 5 minutes of squats with 55 pounds) and drove myself hard on the elliptical before Body Pump and used heavy tension.

Probably didn't help that I did JayVee's awesome spin class today and rode my patootie off...

I think I have mentioned before that wine and Advil are a great combination.

I will use that plan tonight...

and maybe a soak in the tub...with wine...

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I've been here before...with the sore glutes...but that was from me overstretching once because I thought I was a ballerina and all totally bendy.

I mean, I am a ballerina...
in my bathroom...
when no one is looking...

But not a good idea to overstretch and pull your glute muscles.

That took A LOT of advil and wine...and ice...to get over.

This is not a pulled glute. Just sore from working.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

He says we have to "take it to the next level" to get the next bit of weight off and get me to where I want to be.

I totally believe him...even if he is the devil disguised as a really good looking personal trainer.

I don't need ice...just the wine and advil (cause I know that Tylenol will not help and you shouldn't drink and take Tylenol).

I'm just trying to work my big butt off...literally and figuratively.

I have accepted that my a$$ is large...and always will be. When I was working out last week I was talking with a male friend about how people can say things to a kid they never forget.

So I told him this story:
My dad once called me "Crisco". I asked "why?". He said cause I was "fat in the can".

Not nice, Daddy...that makes him the King of Emotional Pain.

He didn't often do things like that but when he did, it cut to the bone.

So I told my friend:
"You know what? He was right. I have a big butt. And now at 47 years old (Good God I just told you my age) I have accepted that I will always have a big butt".

He looks at me and smiles..this very good looking man friend of mine and says:
"There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with your a$$. It's good!"

Awwwww....how sweet...he speaks "woman" well...

Another friend of mine who also speaks woman well said "it's sexy..." when I was complaining to him that I was sore from the squats but want to tone up back there.

They both drive big-ass trucks...

Must be something to it.

Tomorrow he will probably make me do 125...and you know what? As long as some good looking man that drives a big-ass truck says my backside is nice, well...

Then yeah...I will squat with 125.

And love Dimples all the more...

But tonight...he's the King of Pain.

Inspiration Song: "King of Pain" by the Police or is it Sting...or is there a difference?

Bye Darlings...pain is good if it is not an injury...don't let a little pain from working out keep you from taking it to the next level...

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